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New World's Journeys

New World

By C.S LEWISPublished 8 months ago 1 min read

In epochs past, when sails unfurled,

To seek new realms in this vast world,

Brave souls embarked on journeys grand,

To chart the shores of unknown land.

They set their course, a compass true,

Through tempests fierce and skies so blue,

Their hearts alight with hope and dream,

To find new worlds, to hear them gleam.

O'er rolling waves and starry night,

They sailed into the morning light,

Their eyes aglow with boundless might,

In quest of lands, a virgin sight.

Through whispered tales of distant shores,

They yearned to seek what fate restores,

To touch the soil, to breathe the air,

Of lands untouched, beyond compare.

From cobbled streets to untamed woods,

They ventured forth, where no man stood,

To dance with nature's untamed glee,

And taste the fruits of liberty.

In wooden ships with masts held high,

They ventured forth, 'Neath azure sky,

With every crest, with every tide,

Their spirits soared, no fear to hide.

Oh, golden shores and crimson skies,

Where crimson suns begin to rise,

Where mountains touch the heavens' arc,

And rivers sing in moonlight's spark.

They forged their way through trials dire,

Through wild expanse, through flames of fire,

Yet ne'er did falter, ne'er despair,

For destiny was calling there.

Through endless days and starlit nights,

They pressed ahead, their hearts alight,

For each new dawn brought promise true,

Of worlds uncharted, dreams anew.

In foreign tongues and vibrant hues,

They found a tale in every muse,

A tapestry of life unfurled,

In journeys grand to the new worlds.

Their legacy, a beacon bright,

A testament to human might,

To dare the depths, to spread their wings,

And seek the treasures that time brings.

So let us heed the call of old,

To seek new worlds, to be bold,

For in our hearts, the embers gleam,

Of journeys yet, of dreams unseen.

fact or fiction

About the Creator


I presently think positively. Railing and censuring just destroy. Confirmed speculation develops. I currently take a gander at the daily routine that I experience and confirm, "It is Great." I love and favor the Ideal Power inside me

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  • Mark Graham8 months ago

    This seems to be a good way to dream what we need to dream.

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