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Life is a roller coaster which goes Ups and Downs

By Bilal HaiderPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Photo by Gabriel Valdez on Unsplash

Life is a journey of ups and downs,

A path that twists and turns around,

Through mountains high and valleys low,

We all must walk and learn and grow.

Sometimes the road is smooth and clear,

And we can march ahead without fear,

But other times it's rough and steep,

And we must climb with care and keep.

The joys we feel are sweet and bright,

Like sunshine on a perfect day,

They fill our hearts with pure delight,

And make our troubles fade away.

But then the clouds roll in and hide,

The light we thought would always guide,

And we are left in darkness deep,

To struggle through the night and weep.

Yet even in the darkest hour,

When life seems like a wilting flower,

We know that there will come a dawn,

When hope will rise and we'll go on.

For ups and downs are just a part,

Of life's great dance with mind and heart,

And as we learn to take the floor,

We'll find the strength to dance once more


About the Creator

Bilal Haider

A person who loves to share experiences and adventures .

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