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LIFE in a Smooth Sail!

A sailor’s journey through life

By Madhu Goteti Published 6 months ago Updated 5 months ago 7 min read

That was when I was young, with innocence falling upon coffins; for others to mock on 

Crucially so, this is when a rough ruffler was called upon, and with his two fold follies, he dug up graves —into which, I was casually thrown!

Not so much as in reality, my presence, as it is —not much to be seen, with no trace of it’s formerly, was completely gone..

Then on, tacitly tearing a sense so common, left to tatters, that in which, I had claimed all as my very own —was all gone !

Then abhorring the senselessness which hopscotched my soul as some evildoers pun …Perhaps there, the WILL—the bread n butter of my sustenance —kick- balled me to a powerless 🏃‍♀️ run!


Seemingly determined, reveling me into a person: in actuality, I was overrun!

Perhaps ,That WILL which did well to distill my deaths’ —mocking return— had again—gradually overturned!

And there , 

For there— in the grave lay stand still, that heaven’s injustice, all smoothly wrapped up with all its ills burnt.


‘Twas a total inversion of the deep  faith;

As all had turned into a tragedy and reckoned into a nothingness of none 

Yes, it all came up as an illusion; an oblivion smooth; smoothly sagacious; sailing smooth on every turn !

And here, over smooth seas, this savage life when so dastardly and daringly runs; Much so much as to yield, to seek, it so quickly churns,

Mixing one day with another, milking each day worse than the other; ultimately, it turns, all into ☝️ one!

And in this course ,it shrouds up in face, like a thistle twisted upon a full fledged frown,

Thence—Onwards trickles this Crushing calm , halting those trembling tears -that —smoothly roll on — so long !

That in which we expect one thing, altogether another gets pushed around!

Further on….

Those quivers on lips, bent over as holdings, for some grandly staged song

And as to one whimper, a cry stills in silence —as if, like a tyrant’s sign, it all rises up on a twilight dawn 


Beheld upon those moments, a gale unnoticed , rustles by, on it’s own ; yes, appearing unseen as an aged-out worn,

For to- day, fully and surely, onwards it rushes , all out, through this remotest town

Look ! It’s all unhinged, yet at lengthS breaking —those heartstrings, held to hopes —so far gone !


Buried in sorrow, and journeying thro’ this grandly-vested -ribbed-out-gown—

A mercy affixes in one track service, plunging down the throat as some recurrent moan!

A throb then takes over it’s  triumphal throttle, and stops at nothing unfinished; all closed up as ——-long withdrawn ——

O ! Lo! Behold! where do those wanderings lead thee on , 

O! Halt! Ye breathing calm as idled woe drifts away in a sad song, 

Of those highs mixed with lows on some slumbering ground , 

O! there ,a treble warbles in lutes so, so, far too long,

Within time echoing it’s celestial whispers as gently as it cruises along!

Such so, set on Smooth sails some Souls move on!

Guessing ?! This is how human nature copes to live by, wailing those miseries thro’ verses hidden in some sorrowful songs .. Oh! Look 👀 a singer is born !

There, UnSeen to the visible , dwellS in a vain valor, a soul distantly sitting afar -all alone 

And to it’s quiet stretches bequeathing all over those deserted pastoral lawns;

Thriving  upon those tufted meadows all so roughly grown !

Hitherto, all that its worth, and all that’s sought, gets taken, gets sunken, 

So, ‘tis a lil ... no , no , a lot is gone !

And before life pulls through onwards; whereof, when it beguiles to a final abscond…

A Parting with no traces, no marks and no nothing, accents to a noiseless haunt 

O! Look! therein descends another silent tone

still mastering to speak, though, smoothly—but, long dead on it's tongue

O! Much as a frantic indignation to be tattered till it gets totally torn, 

And as things get bypassed as daunting shadows to another of those —early morns…..

So, forthwith, believing in the ardent good, I think the big easy life has been run on —full on,


Placing blushing honors unto stones

As these death bells which thence —smoothly —dell on !

Lo! Behold!

For a better curse which chases  in persistence, prances herein, for so long,

Whenever sentience bends above these mild sleeps; until the substance in soul has fully sown 

Yea, illuming the abyss , this innermost spirit rises to a lofty place, somewhere unknown…

For over a tomb within those mossy  planes It’s in blooms I lay finally grown ... far thrown !

And while the bells from the temple sprinkle holy laurels over the graced sounds 

O! Such everlasting are those evergreens —standing alone, as stalwarts in stately forms!

And as in all , as lasting  in forever, this elegy gets stamped-marked on—THAT cemented ground 

And as Much as a settled soul, my essence in presence has been fully sown —transformed!

Yet again, in transition, an eternal glory, still majestically moves on;

Coffined to a grave into those depths —quite unknown !

Then suddenly, lost ever to all appearances  —like the emperors’s new clothes—I am gone !

It’s all gone ...

Yea’! gliding in bathetic shifts, it’s s all gone , all gone , all gone ... bidding adieus , far from this sunny hearth - bidding it’s last farewells, it’s all gone ....

Then ….

Those sweet smiles fade away, 

Tending to tears that reveled  around ,

With afflictions on mortals “his grace ,” has been finally shown !

Pouring over mansions of grief, he from up above showers supposed relief; As in mercies thrown in good grace, unto his chosen ones !

There, with full expectant eyes you  may ask — Why does his charity so uniquely usher in relief as showers thrown ?!

Why , redeeming us, O! in such a belief, Will it so rush on? 

Of what worth is this barter when heaven’s glory on earth—pays a heavy price to every Ounce !

For what calls us to live for this suffering from birth into times —smoothly races in a deathly bounce ; that which abounds all around!

For whom we put our hearts on fire , by whom all owned is counted to a legions amount!

As if,  hastily calling us for summons, in grace or to a winning approval for our “worldly worth,” to be finally announced  

Is this life so pronounced ? 

yes , it’s this sweet life —smoothly sailing with it’s renewed intensity , just affirming itself, back to pounce !

So scattered unshrinkingly to every service of the heart , to every mind toiling hard , in recurring resets  — in times, it all rebounds 

‘Coz light is the mirth which rises quickly, ascending the swollen girth to a dance and pounce  ...

In it’s sheer evanescence, it gets up, dresses up, for yet another —naked truth to be reborn

 Yes , erasing this existence which makes false claims and thereupon , It shall be newly BORN ....

And as in the consequence for those who walk those paths unbound,

Failing to fetch me at first ,my maker, keeps me , thusly, so spellbound !

Yet this journey which invariably accompanies me from birth to rebirth , affirmatively says   — 

Come, slide smooth and pass on; until all stages are over and your pithy works are all done

—until then, MOVE ON! 

🧡🦢🦢🦢🧡 ✨💫 © ✍️ Madhu Goteti, November29th ,2013 , 4:30a.m

Soliloquy Synopsis:

It’s shadowy and allegoric .. some what, a more generalized abstraction of life. There is,again , a confession that is very shocking; it’s mainly about the causes of the dubieties that have worked into my life —all along. 

Perhaps, it exhibits the extreme sentiments ,and sketches out a cloudy illusion of events and incidents in a peculiar kind of way.

Towards the end of the poem, it dashes into a unifying theme of how fate and fortune lead us into a transcendence which is timelessly eternal.Not else where achieved,it bothers and teases the way life probably cheats . 

The poem captures the brooding spirit that courageously seeks hope,

and it also delineates a double attempt to exhibit the contrasting parallels of joys and sorrows, failures and successes which cudgel as elements in shaping life.

In a steady sense, this poem ingenuously summoned me to dig deep —apparently, upon life’s incidental contexts. 

The description speaks up commandingly without a hitch! 

... And the rest that’s unsaid could be left to those who beseech their own form through this offering. I hope this goes along in giving the reader a sense of connection to follow their own —truth reveals.

In short and at length, throughput, I had depicted life as deceptive and presented material that makes us look like a motley fool while handling deceits.

And the spice of injustice which quite certainly reveals in the end turns out to be quite ironic... as if, echoing—What is alive is seldom truly perfect. And to attain perfection one must dig graves or write epitaphs to understand the good in the good and bad in the bad.

In short , this was a Smooth sweltering —velvety experience —expressed smoothly !

Such scavenging unearths the smooth deficiencies constituting the makings of destinies, and in one sense of the subject —reveals and amounts to this:

Life comes with no warrants of excise and no guarantees of analysis as —it is wholly surprising. It exists in the inter-twists of an extraordinarily different form of amalgam which represents this legit’ premise : 

What’s construed as a cognitive enterprise is actually an adjudication of perspective to life!

All experiences that life bestows upon us as teachings may or may not assist us in achieving it’s full intents.

For Good or for bad , and for better or worse, some instances, seemingly alter the very essence of our presence; of living as a “being,” in itself. 

This poem was written during “Unending wait !”

Yes, the unending wait which sometimes unfolds in aloofness, and c’d smudge identities—the slow torture of immigration and it’s effects …How it destroys lives and How it disfigures all the original form…..a sheer perspective take…an illusion I suppose !

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Madhu Goteti

The thrums in the strums and the delights in the humdrum of life have always fascinated me.

It’s that feast of reason and flow of soul; in all that I see and all that I shall behold!

I am an avid lover of art and philosophy!

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