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In the Darkness, a Harmony


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

A day at the office, a routine so stale,

A tedious cycle, a never-ending tale.

But still we pushed on, with papers so grand,

Hoping to leave, with a completed band.

Then came the flicker, the lights ceased to glow,

A sudden absence, of light's steady flow.

We fumbled and stumbled, in search of a spark,

In a void so absolute, not even a mark.

Chaos erupted, as the clock ticked on,

Our work left undone, our futures unknown.

But then a voice echoed, a tone so pure,

Proposing we all, a chorus secure.

And so we did, in that silent abode,

Our voices entwining, a musical ode.

In the absence of light, our spirits did soar,

A moment so fleeting, a memory evermore.

When illumination returned, a smile was found,

For in that dark moment, a bond was unbound.

And so we worked on, with a newfound gleam,

For in that brief hour, our souls were set free.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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