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In My Wildest Dreams

and other fantasies

By Bugsy WattsPublished about a year ago 1 min read
In My Wildest Dreams
Photo by Laya Clode on Unsplash

I dreamt of falling, like I did every night,

wondering why dreams look like northern lights.

I often fell into the depths of the swirling worlds

I sung into silence

like the sirens I knew existed

in the shadows of my wildest fantasies.

Then I was caught.

I wished to be caught in the twisted net

of the giant arachnid that injected me with its venom.

It was preferable to being caught stark naked

in a poorly lit hallway lined with familiar faces

and pointing fingers.

So I ran.

I ran in slow motion down the hallway made of quicksand

and dug my heels in so deep

I turned the the sand to water

with the power of my feet.

And I waded with desperation to escape

the pursuing snake that skimmed atop the water

on the hunt for a meal.

I could not look away from its comical fangs

like a sabre-toothed tiger that stalked me

in the time before I could understand extinction.

As I stared at its teeth, mine began to give way

and fell out of my mouth

plinking onto the deck of the ship I was steering

because the captain had fallen overboard.

I admired the sails as they billowed and plumed

pulling the creaky mast into the sea of clouds

and guiding me

into the open air

where I was suddenly flying,

how did I get there?

I soared through the air while staring at my feet

not understanding how it could possibly be

until I looked straight up at the hero carrying me

and wished I could remember his name from the movie.

Then he let go and I was falling again

this time landing right in my bed,

where I had been all along on this crazy night.

I woke with confusion

and amazingly, no fright.

Until the boogeyman peered out from the open closet door.

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About the Creator

Bugsy Watts

Got bit by the writing bug.

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bugsywattspoetry/

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