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Illuminate Within

A Journey Through Mental Health Shadows

By GracePublished 6 months ago 2 min read

In shadows deep, where darkness weaves its tale,

A soul entwined in thoughts, a weary sail.

Beneath the weight of storms that fiercely brew,

A heart in turmoil, seeking skies of blue.

Through labyrinthine corridors of the mind,

Where echoes of despair are unconfined,

The flicker of a distant, muted light,

Beckons with a promise, soft and bright.

The journey starts, a hesitant advance,

Through corridors where shadows seem to dance.

A labyrinth of fears, a daunting maze,

Yet hope persists, ablaze in subtle rays.

Beneath the weight of burdens, heavy, cold,

A spirit yearns for stories yet untold.

In every step, a battle with the dark,

Yet strength emerges from an inner spark.

The weight of silence, a deafening sound,

Yet whispers of resilience can be found.

Through valleys low and peaks that touch the sky,

A wounded spirit learns to soar and fly.

The struggle, silent symphony of pain,

Yet melodies of hope break through the rain.

In quiet moments, healing does unfold,

As fragile threads weave tales of stories told.

A garden blooms within the heart's despair,

Where seeds of self-love find the tender air.

The petals open, fragile yet so strong,

As notes of courage weave a healing song.

Amidst the chaos, fragments start to mend,

As shattered pieces find their way to blend.

The labyrinth reveals its secret door,

And courage whispers, "You are worth much more."

The dance with shadows takes a softer turn,

As lessons in resilience start to burn.

In every tear, a prism of the light,

Reflecting strength, dispelling endless night.

The journey inward, tumultuous ride,

Yet in the struggle, blossoms hope and pride.

The echoes of the past begin to fade,

As dawn emerges from the masquerade.

The light within, a beacon in the dark,

Ignites a flame, a hopeful, glowing spark.

The maze unravels, loses its tight grip,

As self-discovery takes a bold leap.

Through every valley, every crevice, climb,

A spirit finds its rhythm, keeping time.

In melodies of healing, sweet and pure,

A heart, resilient, finds itself secure.

The struggle, though enduring, finds an end,

As newfound strength and light around it blend.

The labyrinth, a testament to grace,

A journey through the shadows to embrace.

So if you find yourself in shadows deep,

Where echoes of despair begin to creep,

Remember, in the struggle, you are strong,

And in your heart, the light has been there all along.

surreal poetry

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Small town freelance blogger. Bringing you relationship and family content.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran6 months ago

    This was very positive, profound and powerful! Loved your poem!

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