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I Was

A Poem by Cheyenne Blalock

By shiney poetryPublished 5 years ago 1 min read

I was a thunder storm when you wanted just a little rain, when you wanted just a little wind I was a hurricane.

I was always too much when you wanted just enough, when you wanted close enough and because of that I was never enough to satisfy your hunger so every time you took a bite of me you wanted more of how you wanted it to be , of how you wanted me to speak, of how you wanted me to see.

But you couldn't find the answers on how to fix yourself in me so you tore me apart instead because misery loves company.

you laughed as you watched me bleed and then wanted an apology for cutting me.

You wanted parts of me that I couldn't give, parts of me that wouldn't live inside your hands, your touch was too cold for them and they needed a soul of fire to keep them warm and I was always warned that ice and fire didn't match

but as I look back on my mistakes and I tape myself back together with ductape knowing I won't stay together very long but a soldier has to do what they have too, to keep marching on

so I won't pout or cry but I'll remember that this strength is mine I created it on my own through the blood and tears you left behind I found myself for me and mine


surreal poetry

About the Creator

shiney poetry

Hey guys I'm Cheyenne and I'm a inspiring writer and photographer. Between the Chaos and the peace is where you'll find me. can follow me on Instagram: @shiney.poetry

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