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"We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone." - Ronald Reagan

By Asma QamarPublished 11 months ago 2 min read

Humanity, oh how you shine so bright,

A beacon of hope in the darkest of night.

You bring us together, you bridge the divide,

You show us the way, you're our guide.

You teach us compassion, you show us love,

You help us rise up, you lift us above.

You inspire us to be better, to do more,

To reach for the stars, to explore.

You remind us that we're all in this together,

That we're stronger when we stand as one, forever.

You give us hope, you give us strength,

You help us go the extra length.

So here's to humanity, to all that you are,

To your kindness, your grace, your shining star.

May we always strive to be more like you,

To be kind, to be loving, to be true.

Humanity, you are a mystery,

A tapestry of stories and history.

You are a rainbow of colors and cultures,

A symphony of voices and adventures.

You are the laughter of children at play,

The wisdom of elders, the hope of a new day.

You are the struggles and triumphs of the past,

The dreams and aspirations that will forever last.

You are the light in the darkness, the warmth in the cold,

The hand that reaches out, the heart that's bold.

You are the love that unites us, the bond that ties,

The spirit that soars, the soul that never dies.

So let us honor you, humanity, with all our might,

Let us cherish you, embrace you, and hold you tight.

For you are the greatest gift we'll ever know,

The seed of hope that will forever grow.

"The measure of a society is found in how they treat their weakest and most helpless citizens." - Jimmy Carter

Humanity, you are a force to be reckoned with,

A power that can move mountains, a spirit that won't quit.

You are the light in the darkness, the hope in the despair,

The love in the hatred, the kindness in the snare.

You are the dreamers and the doers, the thinkers and the makers,

The artists and the writers, the healers and the caretakers.

You are the ones who strive for more, who reach for the stars,

Who refuse to let anything hold them back, who break through the bars.

You are the ones who stand up for what's right, who fight for justice,

Who speak up for the voiceless, who never lose their focus.

You are the ones who bring us together, who unite us as one,

Who show us that we're stronger together, that we've only just begun.

So here's to you, humanity, to all that you are,

To your courage, your strength, your shining star.

May we always honor you, cherish you, and hold you dear,

For you are the greatest gift we'll ever know, the reason we're here.

surreal poetryinspirationalfact or fiction

About the Creator

Asma Qamar

I am a content writer with a passion for creating engaging articles. Their work has been featured in numerous publications, and they are known for their ability to write on a wide range of topics.

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