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To Blow Up

By Seth ThomasPublished 3 years ago Updated 2 years ago 2 min read
Photo by Michael Jasmund on Unsplash


I was hoping to blow up but I know that I'm so nuts

NOT EVEN fame or fortune's gonna make me go grown-up!

So, what?

Well, so much for the old stuff,

plus, suppose a... thing you don't want to know of

lurks under the surface; just beneath and below us!

Maybe, I'm holed-up. Maybe, I hold it back.

The facts:

  • It's disaster. Hope I never let go of it.
  • I was dying, high on dope in the Show-Me when it showed up.
  • It took my "Everything I'd Ever Known" and disposed of it.
  • I owed nothing;
  • I chose to show trust when it spoke up and told me my whole life was old rubbish.

"What you got left to lose? You own NOTHING! Just GO! FUCK IT!"

So FUCK HIM! Now, I keep him not-so-secretly sewed-up,

so deep within my soul. That demon wants to control US.

If I back down or fold up, and ever lose control of it,

everybody, everywhere - expect more explosions.

This beast is so hungry and feeds on the soul-scum,

he knows almost everyone carries a whole ton.

But he can reach no one. Believe me, a cold dungeon

is what I'll be, internally. He is corrosion.

He's corrupted and fucked up every piece of my whole run.

I'll never know love! He's the reason I'm so done

believing people! Man, I can't believe I was so dumb!

Fuck Peace to pieces! In this life, I've received none.

SO I unleash the meanest means to an end I can think of.

I mean the ME has ceased to breathe, it's HE we've become,

so please, RUN!

There's no need to scream I believe this could be fun.

Hide 'n' Seek, but to keep your life, try to QUIETLY flee from me.

You see? Some people never do what you tell 'em.

Like that fella over there.

He tripped and fell, but his failure was yellin,

tellin me exactly where to go get him.

I bettin NOBODY"S gettin out alive,


Go ahead,

but there's no amount of pleadin and beggin,

no reasons or questions are keeping you from BEHEADED!

Not even my weakness for gettin head and freaky sex

can be traded for lives, but SURPRISE! I'll still accept it.

So try, knowin that I'm gonna give it up steady,

and you can die in bed smiling;

arrive in Heaven all sweaty!

I say Heaven because all of the prayin you were doin,

in the nude, when I was layin it to ya, sprayin into ya

and explaining how ironic this ejaculation will screw ya!

Once you come, you're going.

It's back to


I'm off in my head


That's why I talk to the dead!

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Seth Thomas


Seth Thomas is a self-contained asylum for corrupt entities and vigilante heroes; currently locked inside his own brain cell, being CrAzY Creative!


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