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By Patty Matton

By PattyPublished 3 years ago 1 min read

It can often be mistaken.

A temporary feeling that, at the time, you believe to be the truth.

However, the absolute truth lies afterward.

It can be tricky.

You try something new and tell yourself, "I am alive."

But that feeling is only for a moment.

You begin to realize that those experiences help you grow.

Whether it's a hobby, a childhood friend, or a home-cooked meal.

The feeling they give is temporary.

But what if it did last?

What if the feeling never died?

You give your all, and your all is reciprocated.

An equilibrium.

You don't need to question the balance because your soul is aware.

This is where you're meant to be.

Even if there's an ocean between you.

They feel like a fireplace on a chilly night.

You await that warmth once again.

They speak like a gentle breeze.

You feel at ease.

When you talk to them, you feel like you're binging an addicting tv show.

You just want more.

But you can't.

And it feels like the last puzzle piece is missing.

The feeling continues to burn.

A balance of excitement and sadness.

Because it isn't over.

They still exist in the world.

And when you have a moment of their time, it's vibrant.

Once you're in their arms again, the feeling will be everlasting.

But for now, you will remain.


surreal poetry

About the Creator


University student with a passion for writing. Hoping a little hobby can support my future.

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