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Holiday Inn

where it ends

By RhePublished 2 years ago 2 min read
Image courtesy of ihg.com

Now I've never claimed to be

a perfect friend

but I've always been true,

loyal, there to defend

and I've never tried to hurt you

only to heal and to mend

I just never thought this getaway would end

with tears drying in the bathroom at a Holiday Inn

your indifference stinging

almost as much as your words

I did all the work

to communicate

but never gave you consent

to belittle and berate

listing things you hate in me

that I can't change

The sun in Italy burned red hot

but was nothing compared

to the pain that you sought

that no pint of beer and a smoke

from the pub could tend

I just never thought this getaway would end

with tears drying in the bathroom at a Holiday Inn

your newfound silence saying

more than you've announced

after ten years you said

we aren't as close as I thought

that my jokes are embarrassing

and I really ought

to just shut away the person that I've grown and am proud to be

In the next breath you take

you criticize my voice

saying it's too high pitched,

too fast of a noise

and that for over two years now

you can't stand my advice

So I ask you now why

if all of that's true

do you always come to me

sobbing in my room

waking me from my rest

to make yourself a guest

so your show resumes

I just never thought this getaway would end

with tears drying in the bathroom at a Holiday Inn

cruelty shaping you into

a stranger before my eyes

I hiked up to a castle and found some peace

standing in the shade staring

at her majesty

but the tears still came

in the moments where silence ruled

and later that night

you broke your cold facade;

"I'm an asshole, I'm toxic and traumatized, God!"

but I still think you only cried 'cause you miss your man"

Of all the degrading things I'd heard

not a single word came to

address what occurred

I waited, anxious, for a "sorry"

that never came through

but I just never thought this getaway would end

with tears drying in the bathroom at a Holiday Inn

wishing I could just forgive and forget

once again

but the scar still burns

hot as the Venetian sun

reminding me of all

the thoughts that come

with losing a friend for who's call

I'd always succumb

but this time

I just can't fix

what you have done.

slam poetry

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