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Just when I thought I found my person

By Omotolani AboladePublished 10 months ago 1 min read

In the depths of love's embrace, I found delight,

But alas, it was a fleeting, fragile sight.

For in the realm of passion's fiery dance,

Heartbreak emerged, leaving me in a trance.

Oh, how cruel is the sting of love's deceit,

When promises whispered, turn bittersweet.

Like shattered glass, my heart was torn apart,

Leaving me wounded, with a bleeding heart.

Each beat a reminder of what once was,

Now a painful ache, a relentless buzz.

The echoes of laughter, now turned to cries,

As tears cascade down, from my weary eyes.

The memories, like ghosts, haunt my every thought,

The love we shared, now a battle I've fought.

A shattered dream, a castle built on sand,

Leaving me lost, in a desolate land.

But in the depths of darkness, I find my strength,

To heal the wounds, and go to any length.

For heartbreak may have left me feeling weak,

But it won't define me, nor will it speak.

I'll rise from the ashes, like a phoenix bold,

With a heart that's been scarred, but not sold.

For love may have broken me, torn me apart,

But I'll mend the pieces, and reclaim my heart.

And when the time comes, I'll love once again,

With caution and wisdom, but not in vain.

For heartbreak taught me lessons, hard and true,

To cherish myself, and to love anew.

So let the tears fall, let the pain subside,

For in the depths of heartbreak, I'll abide.

And as I heal, I'll find my strength and grace,

For heartbreak cannot define my embrace.


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