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Get Comfortable

How to get comfortable with someone

By Zulqarnain HaiderPublished 2 years ago 7 min read

It is natural to feel a little nervous when you are around the person you like. This usually stems from your feelings for that person and wanting him/her to reciprocate those feelings. By being yourself and relaxing a little, you can make your interactions with your special someone feel more natural.

Getting Over Your Nerves


Remind yourself that your special someone is probably nervous, too. Everyone feels nervous when they are around a crush, and that is okay! It is actually very common.

  • Some people become skilled at acting confident, but inside, they are really nervous. Even if your crush is acting very cool and confident, he/she very well may be just as nervous about spending time with you as you are.


Consider that your crush finds your nervousness endearing. Every person is unique and is attracted to different things. While there are many people who are attracted to confident, outgoing individuals, there are also many people who find shy, nervous qualities attractive.

  • Admitting that you feel nervous is perfectly fine, because it gives your special someone the opportunity to do the same. You might also want to include that you feel nervous for some positive reason, like that your crush looks very beautiful/handsome or that you like him/her. This reassures your crush that you are nervous for a good reason and not because you dislike him/her and do not know how to get out of the situation.


Make light of an awkward situation. In the event that something embarrassing or awkward happens, like stuttering over your words or spilling a drink, ease the tension by making light of it. Crack a joke or be willing to laugh at yourself.

  • If it is your special someone who does or says something awkward, be sure not to laugh at him/her for it. Smile and say something reassuring, such as, "It happens to the best of us" or "I did the exact same thing the other day! It's okay."


Treat your special someone like a normal person. It is tempting for a lot of people to treat their crushes like people of huge importance or to put them up on a pedestal. However, taking a step back from that and reminding yourself that your crush is just a normal person will help you to calm down a bit.[1]

  • Be kind, generous, and polite to your special someone, but there is no need to worship the ground on which he/she walks. Treating your crush like a higher being only puts unnecessary pressure on yourself to act in a certain way at all times.


Act natural around your crush. This might be easier said than done, but the more you try to force yourself to act a certain way, the more noticeable and fake it seems.[2] Take a few deep breaths, and be yourself. Your special someone will interpret your behavior as candid and unique instead of fake and unnatural, and then he/she will be encouraged to do the same.

How to Get Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

We all have a threshold for being uncomfortable. How high that threshold is varies from person to person. The higher your threshold, the more comfortable you are with being uncomfortable. However, there are steps you can take to make stepping outside your comfort zone easier regardless of your natural comfort level.

The Importance of Being Uncomfortable for Personal Growth and Setting Priorities

There are many situations where we must be uncomfortable in order to grow and learn. For example, if you want to become stronger, you must lift weights that are heavy. If you want to improve your writing skills, you should write more often rather than sit at home all day watching Netflix.

If you always stay in your comfort zone and avoid situations where you might fail or be uncomfortable, then there is no way for you to grow as an individual.

Why Some People Are More Comfortable Being Uncomfortable

Some people are naturally more comfortable trying new things in life; this is the opposite of what is known as behavioral inhibition. However, some people are more comfortable being uncomfortable simply because they have chosen to constantly stretch their limits.

These people are already in the habit of pushing themselves to their limits so they know what it is like to be outside of their comfort zone. These same individuals have an increased tolerance for discomfort because they have become desensitized over time. Constantly facing new difficult situations and learning from them has left them stronger than they were before.

At first, it will be hard to feel comfortable experiencing new situations, but as you gain experience and learn from your mistakes it will become easier.

What's the Difference Between Being Uncomfortable and Being Scared?

What is the difference between being scared and being uncomfortable? Being uncomfortable means that you are in a situation where things are unfamiliar, outside the norm, and unpredictable. In contrast, being scared implies fear or anxiety about something dangerous happening to yourself or others.

You can be uncomfortable without being scared. Being uncomfortable is a normal and healthy part of life that can't be avoided. When faced with something new or different, most people experience some degree of discomfort at first but they usually adapt to the situation after getting used to it.

The key is knowledge and practice; gaining familiarity with any new situation. If on the other hand, you experience intense fear or anxiety in new situations, this could be a sign of a mental health issue that needs separate attention.1

How to Embrace Discomfort

Embracing discomfort won't be easy, but it's necessary if you want to experience personal growth. The first step is recognizing the things that make you uncomfortable and knowing how they make you feel. This will enable you to identify what types of experiences to seek out. Knowing the unique triggers that make you uncomfortable and facing those challenges instead of turning away from them is the best way to learn and grow.

Below are some ways to embrace discomfort:

Take risks and challenge yourself by doing uncomfortable things

Do something that you're uncomfortable doing, even if it doesn't result in immediate positive feedback or reward. Having the experience of "doing" builds confidence and helps build skills to deal with future problems that may arise outside of your comfort zone.

Try new things like a new food or new activity

Be open-minded and flexible. This broadens your horizons and exposes you to new experiences that can be beneficial in helping you grow as a person.

Explore new experiences even if they are different than what you are used to

Be a student of the world and ask questions. By doing so, you will learn new things and be exposed to different people and backgrounds. This will make your life more fulfilling even if it makes it uncomfortable at times.

Get comfortable with discomfort in social settings

Try being more social and accepting the discomfort that comes with it. Over time, you will become a better conversationalist, learn how to interact with people in different settings, and make new friends.

Take the risk of being rejected and feel the discomfort that comes with it. Taking chances helps you grow as a person. Most people will admire you because they know how much courage it took to take such action.

Get comfortable being different

Embrace standing out instead of trying to be like everyone else. Doing so helps you realize that it's okay not to fit in with the crowd and that there are other people who feel the same way as you do.

Get comfortable challenging beliefs, ideas, or opinions of yourself and others.

Get curious and ask questions. Doing so helps you realize that there are many different perspectives in the world and it's okay to have your own.

Make a list of five activities

Make a list of five things that you'd really like to do that make you uncomfortable. Make a promise to yourself to slowly go through your list and complete the tasks.

how to

About the Creator

Zulqarnain Haider

I write short stories and poetry. I hope you find yourself in between the spaces of my words.

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  • Andleeb Rashid2 years ago

    very nice

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