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Financially Fearful

A Poem On Financial Lack

By Jose Wright Jr.Published 3 years ago 1 min read
Financially Fearful
Photo by Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

The love of money has been dubbed the "root of all evil"

Christ said in his word, that "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of Heaven."

People are the most persistent and precise, regarding any means of "chasing the bag"

While most insist on keeping barriers up against all people

For who cares about the homeless who're destitute & without, right?

Not enough of the elite seem to be interested in the fight against a poverty-stricken, America

So many of us have invested our time in order to earn a dollar, that appears eager to leave our hands

And here is where I stand


Hours stacked upon hours, I push to create avenues

While all choose to seek whatever value the dollar has left

Many of us are kept at bay, while the economically secure trace every dollar they want

Leaving the poor and middle class fighting

For whatever income that can be gained

Disgrace tries to capture a hold on my face

As if I am just not trying to look hard enough

For the right job or opportunity to come love on my resume

So that my bank account won't ever again become naked


Provision for my future is that which I seek

Greed has no hold upon me; I care nothing about luxury brands, or superficial things

I simply desire to be able to spoil my Queen whenever I see fit

And gift her with a man able to lift her from her labors

With divine favor, I will retire her

She inspires the gentleman within me, and the dragon who wishes to constantly feast

Upon every vision I've ever had, and every dream I've ever seen in this mind

I paid the cost to be the boss...literally

So I will move to have a fiscal abundance that will fund my future to greatness

I care not for the chase that most people adore

I just need more

To build

To provide

For her


About the Creator

Jose Wright Jr.

I am a published poet & writer, author of the book "Love's Urban Fragment" on Amazon, CEO of Dr. Ink Wright L.L.C., and a man who loves to use writing to entertain and uplift! May you find pieces of me here that uplift & inspire!!

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