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Dreams in which the scenes change often

A synthesis of three genuine dreams that I've had with the odd commentary

By Neil MarathePublished about a year ago 2 min read

There was a unicorn

except its hind quarters were that of a tricycle

and it still farted

it farted the number five

It went on a rampage

and took the letter x hostage

noobs controlled RuneScape

and a gin bottle was in charge of gerontophobia

anthropomorphic tablets danced the hula

around a mushroom shaped kanji

where sherlock Holmes had a tapir's trunk for a hand

suddenly a werewolf disappeared from middle earth

Freda Kahlo asked me why I didn't visit her museum.

She was encouraging me to discriminate against the able bodied

She danced Gangnam style and then a large cancer appeared

Cancer the cancer had a big cancer growing from its claws.

There was a pickpocket who was made of clay

a room full of rubix cube

maybe the room was a big rubix cube

there were chavs armed with emos

and metallers armed with their guitars.

thunder striked the cormorants and they flew

flew flew flew

into the Teletubby sun.

or was he really one of the Teletubbies' son?

the fan was having a betrothal ceremony

one the same day as its Bart mitzvah

how can that be

in the ionosphere an angry member of the fed ex crew

strangled a racism locust with umbilical cords

can you play an umbilical cord I wondered?

u can play a guitar chord

ok wait chord

like chore




there was a door that led some children to Narnia said myself

I could see myself in the dream. As Ugly as can be.


Suddenly I was talking in front of an audience where spider robots descended

they were defeated by monkey ninja pirates

the floor became rava. no not lava. rava as in a food

I was walking down a meadow with a joker.

He was as tall as a building. I wonder why he didn't just squish me

he started dancing

a cat appeared over the window

I couldn't recognize it as first but it was the whiskas cat

and also a Canis canem edit cat maybe?

The cat licked a statue of another cat.

like a good luck cat.

smoking kills appeared on the ground

I ate them

some were lollypops made of humans

some were humans made of lollipops

some were lollypop humans that were maids

I stood riding a skeletal mammoth into mark twain's house

he stood there on his boat protecting his profits.

he drew up a pirate sword while my mammoth grew feathers and charged.

bubbles the chimp was crying

I cried too

I told him I couldn't save him

from the monster jackpot that befell him

surreal poetry

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