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The years I studied in Germany

By li liPublished 2 years ago 2 min read

When I was studying in Germany, linear algebra was taught in a super large lecture theatre. There are only 2 Asians in the entire classroom this class. One is me, and the other is a beautiful Vietnamese boy. He looks so handsome, I'm tempted to see a man. I have seen this Vietnamese for a long time, and I am very impressed. Because no matter what class, he sits in the first row and wears a hat on his head in winter or summer. It's almost the end of the term. Two old Germans asked me to go to Little Switzerland in Dresden. I want to go, but in the last few classes at the end of the term, the teacher might talk about the key points in which one, so I'm fine. contradiction. Usually, when I come back in this situation, I will find a classmate to borrow the notes and look at them. But Lao De's mathematics is relatively poor, and I dare not read the notes they took. At this time, I can only turn to the only Asian person in the audience. To get close, when they get out of class was about to end, the teacher stopped talking at this time. I lined up the seats and sat with him in the first row. "You're a pretty hat," I said. "Thank you." He replied with a smile. "It's so hot today, it's even hotter in this classroom, let's take it off." I thought to myself, no matter what he answered, I'll just mention the matter of borrowing notes for a few days and it'll be ok. "Oh, I have brain cancer. I had a craniotomy, and the scar is too big. So I put on a hat to cover it up." Topic, I'm the person who was about to run away after asking, you suddenly talk to me about this, I can't bear it a little bit. "Ah, brain... Then what, you always sit in the first row, you love studying..." I don't know what I'm talking about. "Sitting in the first row is because the tumor in my head is compressing my visual and auditory nerves, so I can't see or hear clearly, so..." He looked at me and replied. I regret it all the time, I want to just leave, no matter if he borrows the notes. I was going to ask random topics that had nothing to do with the disease and then retreated, "Why did you come to Germany to study?" "I came to Germany to cure brain cancer. Vietnam's technology is not good, and the cost is too high, my parents and I made straw hats and sold tourists in Da Nang. I could live a good life, but the treatment was not enough. I used to study very poorly, but to cure this disease, I worked hard to study for the exam and came to Germany. The treatment here is 1 euro a day, It also includes 3 meals, and the insurance is covered." I wiped it, and as soon as I heard it, I bought insurance when I was sick. This Nima is the same as gambling. If AOK finds out, it will refuse to pay and sue. To save himself, a Vietnamese scumbag risked going to prison, studied hard, came to Germany to study, got cured of brain cancer, and stayed in Germany. For me, there is nothing more inspiring than this.


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