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Divine in All Things.

A Poetic Journey through Pantheism.

By DihashPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Divine in All Things.
Photo by Cherry Laithang on Unsplash

In all that we see, in all that we feel,

The divine is present, it's no myth or spiel.

From the smallest blade of grass to the mightiest tree,

The universe speaks, and it's easy to see.

It's not a man with a beard or a powerful force,

But it's everywhere and everything, from the sky to the horse.

In the rolling hills and the ocean deep,

In the rustling leaves and the animals we keep.

Pantheism is the belief that we're not alone,

That the divine is with us, and it's all we've known.

It's not in the heavens, but it's right here on Earth,

In the natural world, where every creature has worth.

It's the spider spinning its web and the bee in the hive,

It's the mountain we climb and the ocean we dive.

It's in the wind that whispers and the sun that shines,

In the rain that falls and the stars that align.

Pantheism is a way of life, a way of seeing,

That everything is sacred, and every moment is a being.

It's about love and respect for all things great and small,

For everything is divine, and that's the greatest of all.

So let us embrace this worldview and live in harmony,

With the world around us, and its boundless majesty.

For in every breath we take and every step we make,

The divine is with us, and that's something to celebrate.


surreal poetrynature poetry

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