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Detective Brown's Symbol Sleuth


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Detective Brown's keen eye,

Spotted a symbol in the sky.

A mark etched upon the walls,

Of buildings, big and small.

She couldn't shake the feeling,

That something was revealing.

A mystery waiting to be solved,

A case that needed to be evolved.

She walked the streets with purpose,

Noticing the mark with surface.

It was on banks and shops and more,

This symbol, she couldn't ignore.

She asked around, but no one knew,

What this symbol could construe.

But Brown had a hunch,

This symbol may mean a bunch.

Could it be a code for thieves,

Or a mark for those who believe,

In something far from right,

Detective Brown would keep in sight.

She followed leads, she dug deep,

But answers were still out of reach.

The symbol continued to appear,

But its meaning was still unclear.

But Brown would not give in,

She'd crack this case, she'd win.

For the sake of the city's peace,

She'd find out what this symbol means.


About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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