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Detective Brown's Inferno Investigation


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Detective Brown was on the case,

Of an arsonist, leaving a fiery trace,

Buildings burned, and ashes left in its wake,

But the arsonist, was still on the make,

She interviewed witnesses, and scoured the scene,

But the arsonist, was still unseen,

She analysed the fire, and the evidence too,

But the arsonist, was still askew,

She staked out buildings, and patrolled the streets,

But the arsonist, was still incomplete,

Just when she thought, the case was solved,

A new fire broke out, and her case was revolved,

She chased the arsonist, through the city's alleys,

But the arsonist, was as sly as a fox,

Finally, she caught up, to the arsonist's lair,

But the arsonist, had already disappeared into the air,

With a new lead, and a new clue,

Detective Brown, knew what she had to do,

She would catch the arsonist, and put an end to their crime,

But for now, the city was left in a state of grime.


About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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