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Detective Brown's Delirious Discovery


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Detective Brown was overworked and stressed,

Her workload, left her feeling depressed,

One evening, as she looked in the mirror,

She saw a vision, that made her shiver.

In her delirium, she saw a figure,

A menacing version of herself, that made her shudder,

She didn't like the image, she saw,

And knew, that she needed to take a pause.

She looked into the mirror again,

And this time, saw a different spin,

She saw herself, in a dark abyss,

And knew, she needed to make a shift.

She looked again, and saw a light,

That was shining, oh so bright,

It was her, but in a different form,

And she knew, she needed to transform.

She took a step back, and looked around,

At the mess, in her apartment, that was profound,

She realised, that she needed to take care,

And make some changes, to get back to where.

She made a plan, to take better care,

Of herself, and get some fresh air,

She started exercising, and eating right,

And felt her energy, take flight.

She felt more alive, and refreshed,

And her work, was no longer a test,

She had learned, that self-care is key,

And it was the best decision, she could be.

From that day on, she felt renewed,

And her work, was no longer viewed,

As a burden, but a fulfilling task,

And she was glad, that she made the ask.

She looked into the mirror one last time,

And saw herself, in a happy chime,

She smiled, and knew, she had found the way,

To take care of herself, and be okay.


About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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