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Cursed House: Labyrinth of Darkness

In a world of hidden secrets and unknown fear..

By Zoe FearPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
You Too Can Have A Graphic Like Mine.

In an abandoned house where time stood still, something terrifying lurked.

Every door, every window held a secret that ignited the imagination.

The woman was entangled in the web of this place, pulled into its dark depths.

She knew this was no ordinary house.

It was a portal to another dimension, where nightmares became reality and fear was the only companion.

Every day, she ventured into the forgotten interior, delving into its recesses.

The paths slowly diverged, and each new room was filled with apparitions and indistinct whispers.

Her heart pounded faster, and the skin on her back prickled at the sight of shadows emerging from dusty furniture.

The light seeping through the veiled windows painted restless shapes on the walls, as if trying to convey something significant but impossible to comprehend.

With each step, each touch, she became increasingly sensitive to the presence of unknown forces gathering around her.

Her mind began to succumb to persistent visions that intruded upon her thoughts, blurring the boundary between the real world and the one that lay behind the doors of this cursed house.

Fear intertwined with reality, and reality became more menacing than a dream.

Initially, she was certain it was just exploration, an adventure in a dark labyrinth. But now, as her hands trembled at the touch of cold, damp walls, she knew this place had a soul.

The house pulsed with an energy not meant for humans.

Dark forces concentrated within it, attempting to awaken what was deepest and most primal within her. Her hidden fears, her most secret desires that had no place in the light of day, filled her thoughts, and at times, it seemed they came alive at her own bidding.

With each passing day, she immersed herself deeper into the labyrinth of fear, and the surrounding darkness pressed images into her mind that she could no longer separate from reality. Time lost its meaning, and she could no longer distinguish whether she had spent hours or years there.

She became a geocacher in a space haunted by the ghosts of the past, seducing her with their darkness and desperate need for release.

And then she understood that there was no turning back. She could no longer escape this place because it had become a part of her. Her soul was intertwined with this haunted house, and now she had to find a way to confront her own dark memories and break free from the trap she had built for herself.

But was it already too late?

Did she still have a chance to escape this labyrinth before her soul was consumed by eternal darkness?

Zoe Fear

artsurreal poetrysad poetry

About the Creator

Zoe Fear

I’m Zoe Fear and I write poetry and prose that will make you shiver.My stories are ruthless and my imagination is limitless.I create gothic and horror graphics.If you like thrills and darkness, join me.But beware,it might be a one way trip.

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