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Coming Up In Stereo

poems from childhood

By Amanda Published 3 years ago 1 min read
amanda castagneto

Eyes wide open for days, and then some.

Try to step aside, give myself a break…but that will never come.

You see… the city doesn’t sleep

There’s more character pulsing through, than you’d ever believe.

It’s easy to get lost, but somewhere… there’s always a light on.

The chaos can be overwhelming, but with time you grow fond.

There does come a time though, when you need to rest your head.

With your chest as my pillow, & your body…my bed.

I melt into you, it’s the only time the city fades to gray.

My mind experiences void & I’m at a loss for words to say.

A soundtrack beats through my ears,

For once something is able to drown out life’s fears.

They say it’s always sunny in Philadelphia…

But boy I have my own insight to share with yah…

The rain trickles down, even from blue skies.

Words scream allowed, coming from your eyes.

Cloudy days come in packs,

It’s getting colder as the days pass.

Trying to take on my path smoothly.

But when innate routines create what others only see in movies...

It's essential to agonize in order to know you're alive.

And somehow you’re always there, helping me get by.

Especially on the days I feel to weak to fight back.

You flick on the lights, provide my life with a soundtrack.

Grinning at the bright lights, coming up in stereo.

Nothing compares to the internal feeling, that we both know.

An overwhelming feeling that will never get old.

Incapable of aging, not in my soul…no matter how cold.

We’ll keep it pulsing, keep it alive.

There’s an abundance of spirit, between you and I.

So when the day comes that the city lights go dim,

And the chaotic lifestyle dies down within…

There will be two creatures left, roaming the streets.

Keeping the heart alive, with their own beats.

Illuminating the allies with charisma.

Marking each block with an unforgettable stigma.


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