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Comforting Thoughts

Poetic thoughts about things that have brought me comfort

By Rasma RaistersPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

In the first days of my life, I realized comforting thoughts in the world around me. The warmth and love of my parents that surrounded me brought the comfort I needed for my baby dreams. I still remember waking and crying in the dark of night, then a light glowed, and a loving face looked over me and what a comfort that was for me.

Childhood was a learning experience where sometimes fears were the order of the day. Then comfort, I would take in my friends who were always close by. My two large teddy bears at my side and my fluffy honeybee watched over me. Then I could drift away with comforting thoughts that they would be there through the night.

I was daddy’s little girl and he was always there for me. Together we were the best of friends, and anything that was wrong, he always turned around for me, and my world was joyful and well-ordered with daddy by my side, and seeing him holding his hand out to me was the greatest comfort there could be.

Teenage years comfort was sought among my friends. As laughter and rock and roll was the order of the day. Any fears and tears together we would share and find comfort among us all knowing life was one big ball.

Sadder but wiser, I drifted into my adulthood knowing that I would have to find the thing that would best comfort me in times of strife. Then the things that were the closest to my heart and old friends who still remembered brought me the comfort I needed to get me through my days.

After love came my way, I found comfort in my soul mate. There was nothing like having sweet kisses to share and a warm hand to hold. We would weather every storm together and drift along in life sometimes on stormy seas. When things went wrong I just looked his way and the smile that greeted me brought the comfort I needed knowing that everything would once again be going our way.

But life goes on and golden strands turn to silver. The seasons follow one another. Quick steps begin to slow down, and life takes on a mellow glow. Still together we could face it all not feeling the years going by at all. Then comfort would come in shared nights of candlelight, loving thoughts, and dancing as our shadows flickered along the walls. Being able to drift off in comforting dreams, knowing that together we could face it all.

But somewhere along the way, there was a disturbing thought that brought no comfort at all. Then it would be hard to keep going knowing that tomorrow is not promised to anyone. So each new day when my love and I were together was of great comfort to me. Spending one more day together in the sunshine of our love was the greatest delight to me.

But life is not like it should be and one day one of us would have to fly while the other stayed. When you took off with the angels there were no comforting thoughts and I wondered how I would go on. Then as time passed by I knew you were watching over me and your smile was reflected in the twinkling stars at night. No longer by my side but still nearby just out of reach I then found comfort within my heart and soul and could go on with the comforting thoughts that one day you would reach for me and together for eternity we would be.


About the Creator

Rasma Raisters

My passions are writing and creating poetry. I write for several sites online and have four themed blogs on Wordpress. Please follow me on Twitter.

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