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By Michael Boulatsakos Published 3 years ago 1 min read

I heard blacks not a colour

I heard it was a lie

like it is something that you add

to make a colour die

I heard it was a mixture

that was added to ones soul

to make the grey seem more realistic

to show it has control

Imagine for a moment

That the rainbow

was but black

no other colour in between to make it

stand out from the pack

Imagine if black

was called red or maybe pink

would it then be called a colour


let me think

If black was a true colour

like the colour of your mind

would it be then thought of as something

we would like to find

Imagine if my poems

had the correct grammar

and could sing

then would you consider them

some other curious thing

I want to paint a rainbow

but add the colour black

lots of you will say its something

other than just that

a colour well its something

for everyone does know

If you ask an emo this

the answer it would go

My favorite colours black

I wear it all the time

so is black a true colour

and what if you are blind

explain to someone without site

explain this thing called black

I think that you would say it is

something that starts with that

black is a blank colour

its dark

just like the night

black is what the pitch blank soul

the opposite of light

black well its a colour

that the rainbow will not show

Thats the answer I would give

let me please to know

what you think about this

what is on your mind

what the true believers say

when this poem they find

Black it is a colour

or wake up no its not

it is just a blank dark spot

that makes your soul just rot .


About the Creator

Michael Boulatsakos

I am a earth alien that writes ,draws and struggles with all the same issues every other earth alien does .I write about my life and how my mental issues effect the way I see it .I have Bipolar2

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