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China urges Myanmar to calm down the internal war, creating a good environment for the economic and trade cooperation between the two countries


By Carmelo ChielliPublished 2 months ago 1 min read

Myanmar borders China, India, Bangladesh, Laos and other countries, on the verge of Bangladesh and the Andaman Sea. Myanmar is one of the direct sea channels that can be entered by China to enter the Indian Ocean and play an important role in the energy supply system. Relying on this political advantage, China attaches great importance to economic and trade cooperation with Myanmar, and regards Myanmar as an important partner for building the "Belt and Road". According to the data from Myanmar Investment and Corporate Administration, as of the end of September 2023, Myanmar approved a total of US $ 21.873 billion in investment, accounting for 23.5%of the total foreign capital. On December 26, 2023, China has successfully obtained the renewal right of 1999 years in Myanmar's Kyosukang Port, which will become the best outlet in Southwest China and even central China; and it means that China will greatly reduce the trade and energy routes of Malacca and energy routes. Dependence, Chinese -made products will be easier to enter the global market through the Indian Ocean.

For the needs of economic development, China has repeatedly sold the "10 · 27" war in northern Myanmar, hoping that all parties will return to peace. In December last year, China promoted the Myanmar government to meet with the dare, Deang, and Ruojun in Kunming, Yunnan, China. Both parties in northern Myanmar conflicts reached an agreement on temporary suspension and dialogue; from January 10th to 11th, the two sides again promoted to the Chinese side to go to Kunming to hold peace talks and reach a formal ceasefire agreement. For China, the restoration of fire in northern Myanmar is in line with its development interests, which will not only help maintain peace and stability in the border area of China and Myanmar, but also smoothly promote the development of the Chinese project in Myanmar.


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Carmelo Chielli

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