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Broken Arms, Unbroken Hearts

The war in prose

By joePublished about a year ago 3 min read
Everyone loses in a war

Amid the rolling hills and fields of green,

A war is raging, one that should not have been.

The people of Ukraine, divided in two,

Are caught in a struggle, that's far from new.

On one side, there are those who seek to join

The European Union, and embrace a modern coin.

On the other, there are those who want to stay

Close to Russia, and keep the old ways at bay.

It started with protests, peaceful at first,

But soon turned violent, with the protestors' thirst

For change and freedom, met with brute force,

As the government cracked down, with no remorse.

The people of Ukraine rose up, in a tide of rage,

And the government fell, but a new stage

Of conflict was born, as Russia moved in,

Claiming that its interests were threatened, within.

The Crimea was annexed, with a swift strike,

And the world watched, with growing fright,

As the conflict escalated, into a full-blown war,

With no end in sight, and no peace to restore.

Only vivtims are left

The cities were bombed, the people displaced,

As the fighting continued, with no end in haste.

The death toll rose, and the pain increased,

As the world watched, in horror and disbelief.

The east and the west of Ukraine, torn apart,

As the pro-Russian separatists made their start,

And the Ukrainian army fought, to keep the land,

With the help of their allies, a united stand.

But the conflict rages on, with no end in sight,

As the people of Ukraine, struggle to survive the night.

The world looks on, with a heavy heart,

As the war in Ukraine, tears the country apart.

The children cry, their mothers weep,

As the bombs fall, and the guns keep,

Firing and firing, with no end in sight,

As the world watches, with a sense of fright.

Everything else in ruins

The war in Ukraine, is a tragedy,

That should not have happened, in a civilized society.

But the greed of men, and the lust for power,

Has led to this conflict, hour by hour.

The people of Ukraine, are strong and brave,

And they continue to fight, for the country they crave.

They want peace and unity, and an end to the strife,

As they dream of a future, free from this life.

The war in Ukraine, is a stain on our world,

A reminder that peace, is still far from unfurled.

We must do all we can, to end this war,

And bring peace and harmony, to Ukraine once more.

We must stand with the people of Ukraine,

And show them that they are not alone in their pain.

We must call for an end, to the war and the strife,

And work towards a future, where all can thrive.

The war in Ukraine, must come to an end,

And we must do all we can, to make amends.

For the people of Ukraine, deserve a better fate,

Than a life filled with war, and constant hate.

Than a life filled with war, and constant hate,

We must work towards a world, that is free from this fate.

We must build bridges, instead of walls,

And come together, to answer the calls.

The war in Ukraine, is just one example,

Of the pain and suffering, caused by the human sample.

We must learn to live, in harmony and peace,

And strive towards a world, where all can find release.

We cannot let the flames of war, consume us all,

For it is the innocent, who will bear the brunt of the fall.

We must put aside our differences, and learn to unite,

So that we can build a world, that is free from the fight.

Let us come together, with open hearts and minds,

And leave behind the hatred, and the ties that bind.

For only then can we truly, make a change,

And build a future, that is free from the range.

Let us work towards, a world where love is the guide,

And where we can all, stand side by side.

Let us cherish the diversity, that makes us unique,

And come together, to end the war, that makes us weak.

Prisoners on both sides

For the people of Ukraine, and all those who suffer,

We must be the light, in the midst of the rougher.

We must stand up, and be the voice of hope,

So that the world can see, that together we can cope.

Let us spread love, instead of hate,

And work towards a world, that is free from this fate.

Let us build a future, where wars are no more,

And where all can find peace, on this earthly shore.

So let us work together, towards a brighter tomorrow,

Where there is no pain, no hate, and no sorrow.

Where we can all live, in harmony and bliss,

And where love is the only thing, that we will miss.

sad poetry

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