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Break the Chains

A Call to Action for Freedom and Justice

By ZenitsuPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Break the Chains
Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

Do you feel the pain of those in chains,
The weight of their suffering, their endless strains?
To shatter the barriers that block the mind,
And build a world that's truly sincere.

For too long we've been held down,
By systems that keep us underground,
By leaders who preach hate and division,
And refuse to listen to our vision.

But we won't be silenced anymore,
We won't back down, we'll stand up and roar,
We'll rise together, hand in hand,
And create a new world, a better land.

A world where justice reigns supreme,
Where love and compassion are our daily theme,
Where every voice is heard and respected,
And every person's worth is protected.

So let's break the chains that bind us tight,
Let's unleash the power of our might,
Let's create a world that's truly free,
Where every person can truly be.

So come on, let's break the chains,
Let's dance together in the pouring rain,
Let's sing our song of hope and love,
And soar high like a free-flying dove.

slam poetry

About the Creator


My name is Zenitsu and I have a passion for poetry. As a poet, I aim to evoke emotions, paint vivid imagery, and transport my readers to another world through my words.

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