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Body of a goddess

Body diversity

By Cheyenne gavranovic Published 2 years ago 1 min read

This generation and I don’t get along very well. When I look at somebody’s body, I don’t look for perfection like the rest of society does. I praise every scar, stretchmark, and story that somebody’s imperfections can tell. When people assume a bikini body is a skinny woman in a two piece, I assume it’s a body with a bikini on it. Everybody has a bikini body when you put the bikini on. The stretch marks on a persons body are beautiful. I don’t just see scars, I see battle scars. Imperfections are more beautiful than perfection. If you aim to look like everybody else, how can you ever look like yourself? Why can’t a woman ever say she’s fat without a man saying “no, you’re beautiful”. Why can’t I be fat and beautiful? Why do I have to choose? Weight does not define beauty. Is it necessary to tell a skinny woman to eat a cheeseburger? Why do people complain about weight and then try to convince someone to gain more? When does somebody’s weight become you’re business? These are questions I ask myself sometimes as I stare at the people around me. The people are all diverse in body type and color and I still only see beauty while the rest of the world looks for flaws to laugh at. You’re not the only one with these flaws you feel insecure about. Wear that outfit out in public that scares you and flaunt every imperfection you have. Just remember you’re not the only one with these imperfections and body positivity starts with you. Love yourself and you will begin to love every diverse body you see around you. Those small insecurities you have will fade when you learn to see them instead of hiding them. Be proud of you’re body. There isn’t another one like it.

artinspirationalsocial commentarysurreal poetry

About the Creator

Cheyenne gavranovic

My name is Cheyenne Gavranovic. I am a self published author. I love to write. I may not write as good as others but I am learning to write better everyday. I hope you all enjoy the words I have to say. Thank you for the support.

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