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Slavery's Shadow and Corruption's Grip.

By Johnpaul Okwudili Published 4 days ago 3 min read
Photo by Monica Valls on Unsplash

Beneath the iron fist, the world trembles,
A land carved by power, ruled by fear,
Where whispers of freedom are drowned,
In the clamor of chains, the silence of despair.

Slavery's shadow stretches long,
A specter haunting generations,
Not always in shackles, but in invisible bonds,
In debt, in fear, in endless toil.

The fields are wide, the factories vast,
Where hands work tirelessly, bodies bent,
Labor traded for crumbs, for survival,
Dreams crushed beneath the weight of poverty.

Corruption's grip tightens unseen,
A vice squeezing the lifeblood from nations,
It slithers through corridors of power,
Its touch tainting all it encounters.

In the halls of governance, deals are struck,
Not for the many, but for the few,
Decisions made in smoky back rooms,
Where the currency is power, the language deceit.

The powerful feast on the spoils of the corrupt,
Their tables laden with ill-gotten gains,
While outside, the hungry masses wait,
Their cries ignored, their pleas unheard.

The iron fist falls heavy on dissent,
Voices of opposition silenced,
Journalists, activists, truth-tellers,
Each one a threat to the carefully woven web.

In the shadows, the enslaved whisper,
Their stories passed in hushed tones,
Tales of exploitation, of hope deferred,
Of lives spent in the service of the unseen masters.

Beneath the glittering facades of progress,
Lies the rot of corruption deep,
A system designed to perpetuate itself,
Feeding on the suffering, the ignorance, the despair.

In the sweatshops, the mines, the fields,
The laborers toil, their bodies worn,
Their dreams a distant memory,
Their futures stolen by the greed of others.

The powerful build walls, real and metaphorical,
To keep out the cries of the oppressed,
To shield themselves from the consequences,
Of the lives they’ve shattered, the dreams they’ve crushed.

Yet, in the darkest corners, a spark remains,
A flame of defiance, a whisper of hope,
For beneath the iron fist, resistance stirs,
An undercurrent of strength, of unity.

Corruption thrives in the darkness,
But light exposes its foul deeds,
The truth, once spoken, spreads like wildfire,
Igniting the hearts of the oppressed, the enslaved.

The shadow of slavery cannot withstand,
The light of justice, of freedom,
It quivers and fades before the collective will,
Of those who dare to dream of a better world.

In the hearts of the oppressed, a fire burns,
A desire for dignity, for equality,
Their voices rise, a symphony of defiance,
Against the iron fist, the corrupt, the unjust.

In the stories of the enslaved, we find our own,
A reminder of the fragility of freedom,
Of the need to guard against complacency,
To fight for justice, for all, for always.

The iron fist is strong, but not unbreakable,
Its power lies in the silence of the oppressed,
In the apathy of the bystanders,
In the darkness that hides its deeds.

To shatter the iron fist, we must stand together,
Unite our voices, our strength, our will,
Expose the corruption, the exploitation,
And demand a world where justice prevails.

Beneath the iron fist, the seeds of change are sown,
In the hearts of the brave, the just,
Who refuse to be silenced, who refuse to be broken,
Who rise with the dawn of each new day.

Corruption's grip is powerful, but not eternal,
For truth and justice are relentless,
They chip away at the foundations of deceit,
Until the whole edifice crumbles into dust.

In the fields, the factories, the streets,
The enslaved find their strength,
Their voices rise in unison,
A chorus of hope, of defiance, of freedom.

The iron fist may fall, but it will not prevail,
For the human spirit is indomitable,
It rises, it fights, it dreams,
Of a world where all are free, where justice reigns.

In the chronicles of corruption and power,
The stories of resistance shine bright,
A testament to the enduring spirit of humanity,
To the unyielding pursuit of freedom, of justice.

Beneath the iron fist, a revolution brews,
Silent at first, but growing, unstoppable,
For within each oppressed heart lies a warrior,
Ready to rise, to fight, to reclaim their power.

The grip of corruption is strong, but truth is stronger,
It pierces the darkness, illuminates the hidden,
Revealing the rot, the deceit, the injustice,
And in its light, the oppressed find their path.

Beneath the iron fist, the world awakens,
Eyes open, hearts united,
In the pursuit of a dream long deferred,
Of freedom, of dignity, of justice for all.

For in the end, it is not the iron fist that endures,
But the spirit of the free, the just, the brave,
Who, beneath the shadow of oppression,
Rise to claim the light, the hope, the future.

Beneath the iron fist, the revolution begins,
Not with violence, but with unity,
Not with hate, but with justice,
A ballad of freedom, sung by all.

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Johnpaul Okwudili


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    Johnpaul Okwudili Written by Johnpaul Okwudili

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