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An Auto-Typed Senseless Poem?

Something Written By My Phone's AI And Not Me

By somsubhra banerjeePublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Photo by USGS on Unsplash

Rains and the kind of you are not the most important thing, to be honest,

and all the time to explore the possibility of working with the images,

from the heart of our life is not right for me to be honest,

and a bit of patience and understanding the other details,

is not right for the other.

Nature is the first to be used to say magic realism is one thing in a nutshell,

of any kind in the world.

Plants and water from the heart is a bit more time to explore new ways,

of learning poetry.

Mountainside in the world of any other name is like the first time of the day of school,

and the other day of a plethora of people chatting in front by the amazing things to get in touch,

with the images from the heart of life and life of the world.

The love of God and the way of life are always with you in your family,

are all good with the happiness of your health and friends of you are in the next few years.

The religion of peace and love to have some time to explore,

the possibility of the day of the year ahead and send the strength,

and more to the other people who are not good to know,

that is good for the future of the life of a family,

of any kind share, this is a bit of a sudden change in the world.


This piece of poem, or whatever you may call it, is completely born out of the auto-suggestions that the google keyboard threw at me. I only chose the first word from each paragraph(highlighted) and the rest is done by the Artificial Intelligence of sorts.

I did this just for the sake of experimenting and fun, just to see what it yields. Some part of makes sense but the rest is a mumbo jumbo of sorts. I haven't changed anything from what was auto-predicted by the AI.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

somsubhra banerjee

Loves mountains, sea waves, old buildings, petrichor, sound of night crickets, haiku, kintsukuroi , books, dogs, silences and also cacophonies!

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