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100 Fathoms Deep

Dear Donald

By Phillip MoorePublished 3 years ago 4 min read
The Clown Prince of Crime

Dear Mr. Trump,

You have truly inspired me to use my words to point out every single

time I see injustice, racism, bigotry, and tyranny.

You're examples of what not to do as President have made you the first President in history to be impeached twice.

Congratulations on becoming the true clown prince of presidential crimes and treason.

I have several poems that are dedicated to things you have done during the past four years of the Presidential Version of The Apprentice.

Here is the first poem that truly describes what you've done as a president.


Terrorizing your own country with your

Racist attitude and demeanor

Undermining the very foundation of what we call democracy

Making a fool of yourself every time you tweet something stupid

Putting yourself first before anyone else

so "This Is America" being great again?

against your own country, you commit treason?

remember remember

the 8th of November

the Electoral treason

and plot

I know of no reason

why the Electoral treason

should ever be forgot.

I'm so glad that you now are not able to tweet anything that would cause any more damage than you've already caused.

Here's a poem that describes the weakness of those who think they are better than others.


Arrogance breeds stupidity

It lacks compassion and humility.

It causes serious delusions of grandeur.

and for those who choose to oppose

your self-entitlement, you lash out at them with anger.

The words you speak are hard to receive

When an alternate reality is what you believe.

not being able to handle the truth is

probably something that started

when you were a youth.

More humility, appreciation, and gratitude

might be able to stabilize that nasty attitude.

And maybe you will realize it's not just about you.

because the needs of the many always outweigh

the needs of the few, or the one, like YOU!

With the suffering in this country due to COVID-19 which has destroyed the economy, there is no room for arrogance, selfishness, or apathy.

This next poem truly addresses what you and your cult-like followers suffer from.


Making yourself look extremely foolish.

After losing the election and still

Declaring yourself the winner.

Needlessly wasting taxpayers money

Each and every court case was thrown out.

Stirring up your followers like a Racist Vortex.

Sending them to disrupt the Democratic Process.

And now that this Clown Coup has been put to bed,

After this atrocity, there is no possibility of...






Seen and


The M.A.D.N.E.S.S.has to stop being fed.

So it can starve and finally be dead.

This poem talks about what happens when MADNESS turns deadly and dangerous.

Chaos On Capitol Hill

As I watched this atrocity take place

It gave me a bone-numbing chill.

As Police let them in

they all started to grin

and wreaked havoc

on Capitol Hill.

A disgrace on the Citadel

of Democracy.

Another day that

will live in Infamy.

These knuckleheads

thought they were

starting a revolution.

When all they did was

Kreate Khaos and Konfusion

And soon they will be facing

seditious karmic retribution.

A stolen election is the distorted reflection,

that fueled and flamed this horrible insurrection.

5 lives lost without a second thought

live streaming and selfies, thinking

you weren't going to get caught

An attempted Coup is how

you thought you could resist

Now you're the FBI's most

wanted on a no-fly list.

I know you thought you

could get away with this crime

But your capture and conviction

is just a matter of time.

As I write this, I see that your popularity among Republicans is falling apart at the seams because you have become toxic. Anger Trumps Fear (pun intended) so here is a poem that might give you a suggestion on your next move as a private citizen.

The Exile

Now that you no longer have

Presidential protection due to

your stunning loss in this

most recent election,

What are you gonna do?

All the lawsuits and allegations.

All the lies and manipulation

cant change your present

political situation.

This country is done with you!

living in the World of Denial

still being associated with a

known pedophile, not believing

in Democracy and treating

The White House like a set

for Reality TV.

From your mindless madness,

We are finally free.

Indictments and lawsuits are waiting patiently for you.

As you whine and complain, the question still remains

What are you gonna do?

Maybe leaving the country should be your next mission

Preferably, a country with no laws of extradition.

Just a suggestion I

thought I would mention,

It's up to you to

make that decision.

I end this letter by simply stating that your Presidential roller coaster ride is over and I'm glad you will be moving on. Hopefully, you will better find things to do with your time.

Take Care.


Phillip Lee Moore

Author of "100 Fathoms Deep"

social commentary

About the Creator

Phillip Moore

I'm an author and poet willing to share my thoughts and opinions with the world.

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