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Types of Cameras for You


By Sumit MishraPublished about a year ago 3 min read

We all click pictures to capture the moments that we want to cherish forever. We click photos on a family trip or with friends. We click pictures at weddings and parties or random pictures to share with our friends on Instagram. I mean, it would not be wrong to say that camera has become an integral part of our life because wherever we go or whatever we do we click pictures all the time. However, mobile phones give good cameras to click the best pictures with the best camera quality. But these mobile cameras are good for ordinary photos what about those people who want to become professional photographers and earn a livelihood in this profession, they surely need other types of cameras to follow their dreams. And if you are also thinking of going into this profession then this article is for you because I will cover various types of cameras and let you know about their exclusive functions. So, give this article a read because it would be helpful for you.


These are cameras are very popular among professional photographers whose passion is to click pictures. There is great variety in DSLR itself from pricing to size. These cameras give high-quality results. If you are just a beginner in this field still you can go for it and start your journey with this camera. You will get semi and fully-automatic modes in this type which will make your photography easier. The DSLR camera basically means that you can capture precise and focused pictures and there would not be any difference between what you see and what you click. These cameras have larger sensors which give an edge for better picture quality, better dynamic range, and great potential to click a perfect and clear object in a blurred or dark background. So, if you are just starting and have a passion for photography then you should definitely have one.

2) Mirrorless Camera

These are the cameras that were always wanted by photographers because they are mirrorless. These types of cameras can be called the successors of DSLR cameras. In the camera, manufacturers have removed the mirror and introduced an optical viewfinder with an electronic viewfinder to make it more d=safe and durable. These cameras are also at the top of the list of professionals. The EVF and OVF bring so many advantages to them such as histograms and focus magnification. The EVF technique allows the preview exposure setting. It has auto focus as well that will detect its objects on its own. It could click bursts of images instantly with clarity. This technology is still growing so you would not find many options in this but these cameras are pretty good too.

3) Compact Cameras

These are the small and handy cameras that are so easy to use. A person can easily click a picture at any place. Compact cameras also give automation over ISO and shutter speed. These cameras can be cheap and expensive. The image quality is better in these cameras than in your mobile phone cameras. Unlike other cameras, these cameras do not option to change lenses and sets of your own size. So, if you are not a very professional type of person but love to click pictures then this might be a good choice for you.

4) Bridge Cameras

As the name suggests bridge connects two ends similarly these cameras can also be understood as a bridge between a compact camera and DSLR/mirrorless cameras. These cameras have options from both types such as you can find the ergonomics of DSLR but not an option to change lenses. It has no mirror in it so the viewfinder is electronic. Therefore, you will have silent shooting, focus magnification, and live histogram. These cameras have smaller sensors which you generally get in compact cameras. These cameras are good for the simple photography experience with good battery backup. You will get most features in this camera which are necessary for your photo.

5) Instant Cameras

These cameras are a little old-fashioned and not in trend nowadays. These cameras print your picture on the spot and give it to you. these cameras are not digital and are not equipped with modern technology such as photo editing, blurring, and various others. These are good for kids who love photography. These cameras are cheap and affordable but the limited number of photos can be clicked by this camera, you just can not click so many. You can take a simple photo and see that a few moments later.

There are other various types which I shall cover later and you can check these cameras and buy on alternatives to eBay.


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