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5 Ways for Police Vehicle Graphics Design

GDI Police Graphics are designed to give your department the right look! We offer everything you need for your police vehicle graphics.

By Lucy B. KitchensPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Have you ever encountered a police car or an emergency vehicle that appeared to be out of date or neglected? Police cars and emergency vehicles must stand out in a crowd for a variety of reasons, but one of them isn't to seem like an old school relic.

Thomas Reprographics specializes in police car and emergency vehicle graphics that communicate the perfect message when it's time to upgrade your fleet. After that has been properly expressed, the designs should exude confidence and professionalism, with police vehicle graphics in Stuart, FL and logos that exude civic pride.

Thomas Reprographics offers all of the tools necessary to ensure that both of these messages are heard clearly. Thomas Reprographics' police car and emergency vehicle graphics are long-lasting and meant to keep a great look for a long time.

Ways to Use Police Vehicle Graphics

The Shield

Is a protective shield. Regardless of whether a shield, symbol, seal, or star is utilized, it should be clearly displayed on both sides and the trunk.


Police departments and jurisdictions may be included in the authority. On the vehicle, the police letters should always be the first hierarchy, with jurisdictions such as county, municipality, or state appearing second in a smaller font. On the sides, hood, and trunk lid, the police authority should be visible. Jurisdiction could be under police authority or on the trunk fascia and fenders separately.


All fonts should be readable and authoritative. The use of fun fonts, scripts, and italics in police car graphics is not recommended. Imagine the word "POLICE" spelled out in comic sans on the side of an automobile.


Emergency numbers and symbols, such as 911 or 311, should be smaller. Fenders are a common place for emergency information to be posted.


Reflective materials in diagonal lines, stripes, or chevrons may be used on rear ends, bumpers, or trunk lids.

Other Things to Think About

It's critical to pick colors that contrast. A dark blue police authority on a black car will be difficult to see. Regardless of how appealing it is, it fails to convey the most vital message: the cops are on their way.

On the hood, fender, or rear of a police car, there may be a car number.

Manufacturers offer two-tone paint options created exclusively for police enforcement vehicles.

Window graphics, such as “Highway Patrol” applied to the top of a cruiser's windshield, are sometimes incorporated.

5 Vinyl Wrap Styles for Custom Police Vehicles

Do your police car decals look the same as everyone else's? Are you still wearing the out-of-date two-tone black and white pattern that used to be the norm? If this is the case, it may be time to consider upgrading your police vehicle designs to reflect your personal style.

We can make your fleet of standard police cars into personalized police cars with their own distinct designs at Emergency Decals. Our team will collaborate with you to build something that everyone in your city, town, or county can be proud of. If you're looking to improve the look of your police vehicles but don't know where to start, here are 5 popular custom police graphics to consider.

Graphics for the Uniform Police Fleet

Recognizability is one of the most significant characteristics of police car designs. Allowing the general public to know when you're patrolling will make them feel safer while also helping you reduce crime. Giving your squad cars a consistent style that people will recognize is the best approach to make them stand out.

Many police visual fleets in Buffalo and throughout WNY have been rebranded by Emergency Decals. We can assist you in finding a police car template to refresh and make your design more consistent.

Graphics that are Impenetrable

Stealth police graphics, sometimes known as "ghost graphics," have grown in popularity in recent years. Check out our latest blog post if you're unfamiliar with this style of design. The main concept is that stealth police cars can go unseen during the day but, thanks to reflective police stickers, light up at night.

When people don't think you're around, this design is useful for keeping them honest. The best aspect is that the reflective police graphics may be customized to match the rest of your fleet's design scheme.

Chevrons are a Type of Police Vehicle Striping

Ambulances, fire trucks, and other emergency vehicles are more likely to have chevrons on the back side. Chevrons, on the other hand, can be used as police decals. On the road, reflective chevrons are excellent for boosting rear visibility. Patrol cars spend a lot of time on the roadside, between traffic stops and responding to emergencies. When it comes to roadside safety, a little more visibility can go a long way.

Decal Stickers

You'll be able to include police decal stickers as part of the design process to provide extra information. The most typical purpose of these types of police stickers is to identify whose department or unit a vehicle belongs to. Furthermore, these emblem stickers will provide contrast to your overall appearance, making you stand out even more to others around you.

Wrapping a Vehicle in Parts

There are alternatives to a complete design revamp if you think your police fleet graphics are currently good. If you want to provide some consistency to your fleet design while keeping expenses low, partial covers may be the best option. If you need a little extra branding, partial wraps are ideal for doors, trunks, and side panels.

It's crucial to take a step back now and again to evaluate the success of your police car images. If your department doesn't already have a collection of custom police vehicles, it's something to think about. Call Emergency Decals today to find out how we can help you refresh the look of your police graphics.

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