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Why is the puppy just born with people, not as afraid of avoiding people as other animals

Why are puppies who have never seen people who have just been born?

By 孙小明Published about a year ago 6 min read

Generally speaking, animals are more or less afraid of people. People walking on both feet are a different kind in most animals. The vast majority of animals lack experiences to deal with humans, and any kind of animal will always be afraid of strange things. This is the instinct formed by animals in the natural environment, because they cannot judge whether a strange thing will hurt themselves. Is it actually that we humans are afraid of many unknown things? Ancient people in science and developed ancient people attached the unknown phenomenon to ghosts and gods. Didn't people be afraid of ghosts and gods at that time?

Even the beasts such as tigers, lions, and bear will be afraid of seeing people for the first time. This is like the tiger who fears the donkey in the idioms of "Guizhou Donkey's Poor". If this is the case for wild animals, what about artificially domesticated pets? Those who have raised pets may find that dogs and cats have obvious differences in this area: Kittens who are born shortly after seeing people will hide, but the puppy who is just born will take the initiative to get close to others. Why are puppies who have never seen people who have just been born? Why is it active to get close to people?

In fact, all domestic animals are domesticated from wild animals. Dogs are domesticated from wolves, and cats are domesticated from African wild cats. Today, Chihuahua, Corgi, Teddy, Salon, Jingba, Labrador, Samoyed, Alaska, Husky, San Bernard and other different dog species. Although these different varieties of dogs have different images, their ancestors are all wolves. When human beings have not developed farming civilization, they mainly rely on hunting and picking wild vegetables and wild fruits. At that time, some wolfs would frequently eaten by picking up human domestic garbage near the place of human residence.

These wolves gradually appear a genetic mutation is the enhancement of saliva amylase activity. These wolves no longer eat meat like other wolves, but they can also eat some high starch foods. We know that the wolf is still carnivorous animals, while the Chinese garden dogs fed in rural areas can eat starch foods such as rice like humans. This difference is caused by the enhancement of saliva amylase activity. The primitive people first discovered that a wolf appeared around the tribe, but they gradually found that these wolves were not malicious.

These wolves can survive by picking up the remaining garbage from humans. The primitive people who found this began to feed these wolves to reduce their hostility. At first, the primitive people did just want to make the wolf full and would not hurt themselves. As the wolf gradually feeds the dependence of human feeding, the wolf is gradually domesticated into a dog. At this time, humans began to use dogs to help them hunt and look at them. Wild wolf is a group of living animals. The wolves have a strict principle of hierarchy and division of labor cooperation. The members of any wolf are obedient and loyal to the wolf wolf.

Whenever wolf hunters are hunting, all members will cooperate with the head of the wolf. Wolf can capture prey more than their own weight by leaving such a team. When the wolf was domesticated into a dog, this loyalty to the leader became a sense of loyalty to the owner. Of course, after all, wolf is a wild animal, so people's domestication for wolves is not smooth sailing. In the process of domesticated wolves, humans often kill large and wild individuals who do not obey the control. Over time, only those individuals who can only listen to people can survive.

Dogs are more and more dependent on people's feeding. At this time, the dog can no longer adapt to the survival of the wild like a wolf. This forced dogs to rely on humans to survive. Take the initiative to cater to human beings to become the way of survival of dogs, otherwise they are likely to die once they are abandoned. After several generations of repeated genes, those dogs who are not close to people have been eliminated, so the surviving dogs develop the nature of close people. This nature has been deeply in the dog's genes and continues through the genetic generation. Although the newly born dog has never seen people, it inherits the genetic nature of the ancestors close to people.

Even if the puppy just born has not seen people, it actually feels the existence of people. When the newborn puppy couldn't open his eyes, he had heard the voice of the owner and smelled the host's breath. You know that dogs are much more sensitive than humans. When the puppy opened his eyes, the owner was actually an acquaintance for it. Since it has long been familiar with the owner, it will naturally not have much fear of resistance. The dog cub will observe the parents' attitude towards the master. In fact, puppies, like human children, also imitate their parents' behavior.

When the puppy sees the dog's mother, it will naturally imitate this behavior when they get the food to the owner, and the dog dad will also teach how to get close to the owner. In the puppy gene, the nature of the congenital closeness of the puppy and the acquired observation of the relationship between the dog daughter and dog and the owner has developed the behavior habit of being close to the owner. Cats are domesticated pets like dogs, but kittens just born will not take the initiative to get close to others. In fact, even though adult cats no longer resist the host, they will not get close to the owner like a dog. Cats and dogs are relatively cold.

The ancestors of cats and dogs have different survivors before being domesticated by humans: the ancestor of the dog is a group of living animals, and the ancestor of the cat's ancestor is a lonely animal. The cat in a lonely animal was alert to everything around him. Human domestication has begun from the era of primitive hunting and collection of civilization 15,000 years ago, and the domestication of cats can only start when the rise of the earliest agricultural civilization eight or nine thousand years ago. After the rise of agricultural civilization, human society has begun to have more than food. At this time, some wild cats followed their main prey mice to the place where existing foods were stored.

It can be seen that the cat domestication is thousands of years later than the dog. In fact, the degree of domestication of cats is still less than dogs. Dogs have fully adapted to the living conditions of artificial domestication, but cats have been in a semi -free living state for a long time. Human domesticated dogs and cats were not raised as pets earlier. Only when people are met in the basic needs of clothing, food, and transportation, they will be free to raise pets. When the productivity of human society is underdeveloped, no one will have care for pets. At that time, people raised dogs for hunting and housekeeping, and cats raised it to help catch mice.

At that time, dogs and cats were all for practical purposes, not for entertainment. Since people raise dogs for hunting and housekeeping, naturally need to feed it to better work. The cat is a cat to catch it. In other words, people are just providing cats with a convenient environment for hunting, but the cat's food is still hunting by themselves. People think they are the owner of a cat, but the cat actually does not have the consciousness of loyalty to the owner. Some people will say that the Chinese pastoral cats in the countryside are hunt by themselves, but now the pet cats in the city no longer hunt by themselves.

The current pet cats really no longer hunt by themselves. But people and cats live this modern urban life, but in the past few decades. In just decades, it is not enough to make a disruptive change of a species. Over the past few decades, our human society has undergone tremendous changes, but the genetic structure of the human body itself will not change in just decades. The living environment of cats has indeed undergone tremendous changes in the past few decades, but the cat's gene has not formed the nature of being as close as a dog.


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    Written by 孙小明

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