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Toxic houseplants for your pets

Houseplants poisonous to pets include oleander, common ivy, and aloe vera. Find out how they can affect your furry ones.

By oussama achouriPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

When you have pets, it is important to consider the indoor plants that we have at home, as there are several that are toxic to them. The idea is not to do without plants , but to have the right ones. Thus, both you and your pet will be happy.

On the other hand, knowing which are toxic indoor plants for pets will allow you to locate them elsewhere . This, in the case in which you already have these types of plants at home and you appreciate them a lot to replace them. Read on to discover them.

Risks of toxic plants for your pet

Pets can be affected in different ways if they come into contact with toxic plants. Hence the importance of identifying them. Some of the most common problems in cats and dogs are allergic and inflammatory responses . These can cause mild or severe skin and coat problems.

Additionally, articles point out that there are some plants that affect the gastrointestinal system causing vomiting, diarrhea and infections. There are also heart problems, seizures, and kidney damage , which can be severe and even fatal.

Plants toxic to pets

Now that you know what are the risks that your pets can be exposed to if they touch or ingest toxic plants, we are going to tell you what those plants are. If you identify that you have some of these plants at home, it is best to keep them away from your dogs or cats. Put them on windows or in hanging pots .


Oleander is one of the most toxic and dangerous plants for pets. In addition to causing problems at the digestive level, it depresses the central nervous system, generates tachycardia, drowsiness and arrhythmias . If a pet ingests a high dose of this plant, it can become severe, fall into a coma and die.

Aloe vera

Aloe vera is a well-known plant and stands out for its multiple benefits on the skin. However, it hurts pets and causes skin allergies, excessive salivation, vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. This is due to the aloin it contains and is found under the skin of the leaves, which acts as a laxative.


Amaryllis is a beautiful flower with pink and white tones. The alkaloids that compose it generate vomiting, which causes the pet to become dehydrated. It can cause disorders in the nervous system, causing tremors and weakness.


The azalea is a very showy plant with lovely pink flowers. However, they generate a high level of irritability in the digestive system of pets. Among the most common symptoms on touch or ingestion are alterations in the oral mucosa, vomiting and diarrhea. The most toxic part is its leaves.

Kalanchoe .

Kalanchoe is a very striking plant to look at, but it contains toxic assets that should not be ingested by pets. It usually causes diarrhea and vomiting, and although it is rare, cardiac arrhythmias can occur.


Cyclamen contains in its active principles a highly toxic substance known as cyclamine . We can recognize when the dog consumes this plant because the animal looks dazed and presents seizures, arrhythmia and, in extreme cases, paralysis in its extremities.

Adam's Rib

The famous Monstera deliciosa or Adam's rib is a very common plant in homes. Still, it is not recommended to have it when there are pets. If dogs or cats consume it, they will suffer from inflammation and irritation in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes uncontrollable vomiting .


Croton is another toxic plant for pets. The main consequences that can be observed when a dog has ingested it is burning of the oral mucosa, abundant salivation and difficulty in swallowing. Inflammation of the tongue, esophagus, and stomach lead to diarrhea. In fact, this plant also causes contact dermatitis in humans.

Common ivy

The ivy common produces fruits that are palatable to pets, but they can have serious consequences. If the dog or cat consumes a large amount of them, it can suffer a cardiorespiratory arrest , since this plant reduces the heart rate. It also generates dermatitis and ulcers on the skin.


Poisoning from ingesting hydrangeas is rare, but can occur. If your pet consumes it, you should go for urgent veterinary attention. This plant contains a substance called amygdalin that, when eaten, turns into cyanide, being lethal for the pet.

Did you know about toxic plants for pets?

In this article we tell you which are the main toxic plants for pets, the idea is that you avoid having them or that you display them far from the reach of your pets. Decorate your home, but without putting the health and well-being of your furry at risk.


About the Creator

oussama achouri

my name is oussama i'm blogger and i love blogging about home decor , diy & craft and more

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