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Retractable Leashes

There is a time and a place for them (and not just the trash can)!

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

I recently wrote an article about why you should throw away your retractable leashes. If you haven't gotten a chance to check it out, you can read it here.

I stand by my belief that these leashes are just terrible. It is much better to use a good and simple leash, like this one.

Please note, that this is an affiliate link where I will receive compensation if you buy the product, with no extra cost to you! 

That being said, I was put in my place and told that these leashes do have a purpose (even if I can't for the life of me figure it out)! 

Here are some times when you might be able to get away with using a retractable leash. 

Training. If you are in a good location where your dog can't get to anyone (or any other animals), it may be a useful training tool. You can work on sitting, staying, and coming, without letting go of your dog. 

With well-trained dogs. If your dog listens well and will come back to you when you call, you may be able to use a retractable leash when you take him or her out. However, if he or she is just going to take off and possibly break the leash, you should stick with a shorter and sturdier leash. 

Smaller dogs. Smaller dogs may do fine with a retractable leash. They aren't going to be able to pull you over when they take off after someone. 

With those who have limited mobility. One person commented that she was in a wheelchair and her retractable leash allowed her dog to move around and not get caught in the wheels of her wheelchair. Since she isn't as mobile, they were able to get a little farther away from her, and it worked well for her. 

In your own backyard. Someone commented that they used retractable leashes when it was raining or snowing. Their dogs could go outside, do their business, and come in without the owner having to leave their porch! 

Here are some times and places where retractable leashes should never be used. 

The veterinary office. For some reason, most people love these leashes, and they seem to be the most popular leashes that we see in the office. However, that doesn't mean that they are the best. I have seen way too many dogs get too close to others, simply because their owner doesn't have any control over their dog on these leashes. 

I have personally been wrapped around multiple times by these leashes, usually on a daily basis! Luckily, it has never caused me to fall, but it could! 

Places where your dog can get too close to another dog. You aren't going to want to let your dog get too close to another dog, especially if you don't know if the other dog is friendly or not. He or she may just get too upset about your dog being near him or her, that your dog may be in danger! 

Photo Courtesy of Canva

Though it is a personal choice, I don't know many people who truly believe that retractable leashes are a good idea. People and dogs can get hurt when these leashes aren't used properly. It can wind around a person, causing them to fall! Your dog may also get away from you and get too close to another dog (who might not be as friendly)!

That being said, many people said that they worked well for training, as well as dogs that are well-trained. One wheelchair-bound person said she needed the extra line for her dog, while another could stay inside while her dogs went to the bathroom in the rain or snow!

Previously published on Medium.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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