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Puppy Potty Training - How I Finally attained the Alpha Dog status With My Male Puppy

I would like to share with everyone the tips and strategies I learned for puppy potty training.

By SHYAM PHADPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Puppy Potty Training - How I Finally attained the Alpha Dog status With My Male Puppy
Photo by Caleb Fisher on Unsplash

I would like to share with everyone the tips and strategies I learned for puppy potty training. I am by no means a professional dog trainer. But as a pet trainer myself for over 20 years, I have seen from experience that Bichons are usually very nosey and inquisitive breeds, especially when it comes to other dogs and puppies.

They like to chase and tug on things, they have an insatiable need to explore with their mouths (even if their mouths don't have teeth).

These traits, coupled with their stubbornness, makes it very difficult for a "mutt" like me to housebreak archons. It took many long months of patient training and a lot of extra effort on my part until I could say, " fade the aggressive dog behavior".

It is very rewarding to see my baby grow into a happy, healthy, well behaved dog that respects and loves its owner. Who wouldn't want a sweet, furry member of their family?

From my messed up phase, I learned that a problem behavior, or even aggression can be overcome with patient, persistent, alpha dog training. The more consistent you are with your training, the faster your puppy or dog will realize who is boss.

They will learn that you are the alpha and he is just a playmate or companion. Before you know it, your Aussie will respect you and be obeying your commands on the first day of training. It's really that simple.

I know it's easier for me because I understand the ingredients of Aussie breeding and have seen the results of training for years. But if you don't have a lot of experience with this, and you are just getting started, these are my suggestions.

1. Be Consistent. Right now I have a 7 month old son and 2 female puppies, so my focus right now is primarily on housebreaking and training (or changing the behaviors of) the puppies.

But when I'm not thinking about housebreaking and other behavior issues, I'm thinking about how to make my dogs stop barking at the drop of a hat.

As I mentioned above, my husband and I live in an apartment with a lot of apartment neighbors. When the barking starts, it's loud and continuous. The circular pushing and shushing noise can drive anyone crazy at first.

In addition, since our dogs are so smart and know exactly what mood they are in, they instantly "get" what's going on with the neighbors and start barking in support of whoever is causing all that noise. Indian hounds are very loyal and would literally die for their master!

midday if you are truly dedicated to getting your Aussie to stop barking and accompanying hyperactivity, then you need to think about a solution that will affect all of the behaviors of your puppies or dogs.

Dogs can't talk to let you know they're in trouble, so you need to pick up the phone and tell your kids, "No, you have to go tell everybody in the house to stop that noise." It's too late for the dog to understand the need to stop barking if the master doesn't.

2. What if "No" Doesn't Work? We use "Stop", "No", "Down" and "Off". When the barking is undesirable, like when it's annoying or dangerous, use these commands. The dog instinctively wants to please his master and will pick up on the training easier and understand what you expect from him.

Again I have seen this take place with my 2 Aussies. Chet and Dakota are both smarter than most Aussies I know and are very well behaved, but picks fast. prob loved to bark, and if was in front of their owners, they let them sit in front of them and "pat" them.

There are also Secrets to Dog Training available which outline the basic strategies I developed over the years with my dogs.


About the Creator


I am Shyam Phad. I am the founder of The Financial Diary , and I love to write about business and finance.

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