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Paul the CP Puppy

Roger the World’s Greatest Therapy Dog

By Jmjulius15 JayPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Roger was working at the hospital one day. Marvin Roger's boss said'', Hey Roger come over here there is someone I want you to meet. Roger walked towards Marvin. Marvin said,'' Roger I would like you to meet my little nephew Paul. He wants to be a therapy dog someday. Paul was a little yellow lab puppy. He was wearing a little blue collar with his name on it. Paul looked at Roger and said,'' It is very nice to meet you Roger the therapy dog. My name is Paul but you can call me Paul the CP Puppy

Roger said,'' Why may I call you that?“

''Because I have cerebral palsy I was born really early.”

“I am very sorry.”

“Don't feel bad for me.”

Even though Paul had cerebral palsy but you really couldn't tell he had it. Paul had trouble walking and standing on his paws so he fell down a lot. When Paul's paws got tired he drove his electric wheelchair everywhere. Paul followed Roger around the hospital in his electric wheelchair. As Paul followed Roger he asked him what it was like to be a therapy dog. Roger s said,'' It is great.“ Roger had to go see one of his patients a little boy with cerebral palsy who just had surgery. The little boy has been sad for a couple days and no therapy dog has been able to make him happy not even Roger. When Roger walked into the room the little boy was crying.

Roger said,'' “Hello how are you?”

The little boy was still crying.

Paul Said,'' Roger I know how to cheer up this little boy. Paul slowly got out of his wheelchair and tried to jump on the little boy's bed. As the little boy was crying

Paul said,''Hi my name is Paul and I have cerebral palsy too. I know how tough it is to live with a disability, but when you have a disability you need to have a positive outlook on life. When I was born I had a stroke and I was born very early. Living with a disability is difficult but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't be Paul the CP Puppy.”

The little boy stopped crying looked at Paul and smiled for the first time in days. Paul took a nap next to the little boy for a couple of hours. By the end of the week all the children loved Paul the CP Puppy. When Leonard K. Cat and the rest of the therapy cats heard about Paul. Leonard knew he had to have Paul work at his hospital.

Leonard and the rest of the therapy cats walked into the hospital across the street, Leonard Said,'' Hello therapy mutts it is I Leonard K. Cat.“Roger said,'' What do you want Leonard K. Cat?“

“I came here to see the new therapy mutt Paul the CP Puppy.“

Paul shows up and says'' I am Paul the CP Puppy.

“Hello Paul, I am Leonard K. Cat.”

“I would like you to come work for me at my hospital.“

“I would never work for the therapy cats.”

''Come on there are plenty of handicap parking spaces at my hospital.


Leonard K. Cat made a deal with Paul. If Paul beat one of the disabled therapy cats in a race he wouldn’t have to work for Leonard but if he lost he would have to leave Roger and the rest of the therapy dogs.

The race was the next day. Paul had to race a therapy cat named Old Oliver. Old Oliver was the oldest cat that worked for Leonard K. Cat, he moved around in a wheelchair because he says he lost his back paws in a war. Leonard said,’’ to Old Oliver Are you ready to race? Old Oliver had a very bad memory and he punched Leonard in the face because he didn’t know who Leonard was. The race was outside of the hospital. Paul and Old Oliver had to race down a long road to the finish line.

Old Oliver’s super cute young wife was at the race to cheer for Old Oliver. I bet your wondering how young his wife is, let’s just say she has all her nine lives. As Paul the CP Puppy was getting ready for the race,

Roger said,’’ Good Luck Paul!”

Paul Said,’’ Thanks Roger!

Paul was sitting in a wheelchair to keep the race fair. Paul and Old Oliver were at the staring line. The race began and Old Oliver took the lead. Paul was falling behind. Leonard K. Cat and the other therapy cats started to cheer. As Old Oliver was close to the finish line a car drove by and ran him over. Leonard K. Cat and the other therapy cats were upset. Old Oliver’s last words were Cat heaven here I come. Roger and the other therapy dogs started to cheer because Paul had won the race.

Old Oliver’s super cute young wife was crying. She said,’’ I can’t believe my husband is gone, well I guess it’s time to call the life insurance company.”

Leonard K. said,’’ I’m really sorry about your husband, but you can marry me if you want.”

Old Oliver’s Wife said,’’ How much money do you make?”

”Not that much. My mom just wants me to move out of her house.“

Old Oliver’s Wife Said,’’ In that case I will never marry you.”

“Ok then!”

All the therapy dogs were happy that Paul won the race and that he was going to stay at the hospital with the therapy dogs. Roger Said,’’ I am so proud of you Paul I knew you were going to win I bet 50 dollars on you. The next day Roger and the other therapy dogs gave him a handicap parking spot.

All the children love Paul the CP Puppy because he teaches them to have a sense of humor when you live with a disability. One day Paul Said,’’ People can judge me for many things but, Don’t judge me because I have CP.


About the Creator

Jmjulius15 Jay

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