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Ozzy: Lost & Found

Ozzy: Lost & Found is a SmashWords Original Fictional Story following the adventure of a little dog who finds himself far away from home not knowing where to go, with the help of some new friends and people, can Ozzy get home!?

By Ben MPublished 7 years ago 11 min read


Chapter 1

The Stormy Night

Hello my name is Ozzy, I am a Zuchon, that's a cross between a Bichon Frise and a Shih Tzu, incase you did not know, and I have got an amazing story for you! An adventure story. It begins one stormy day, my owner Abbie has just settled down to watch the latest episode of The Walking Dead (yuck! Blood and gut's everywhere) when suddenly I see a single bolt of lightning in the sky. Lightning is my worst fear and I quickly run over to Abbie, jumping onto her lap. ''Ozzy! It's alright, the storm will hopefully be over soon.'' she says. I start to bark as I hear thunder in the distance. ''Ozzy! Please, I'm trying to watch the TV!'' she is what humans call 'angry' with me now. I then hear my owner Billy come in from the front door after a busy day working in his office and I suddenly jump off Abbies lap, surprising her and run all the way to the front door to great Billy. ''Hello Ozzy! Not like you to be so lively when there is a storm.'' he mutters and quickly walks down the hallway into the Kitchen, opening the freezer and taking out a pizza. ''Billy, so that's it? No 'how was your day'? What HAS gotten into you this past week.'' Abbie states. ''At least someone cares about me.'' she says staring at me ''I guess I'm to take Ozzy a walk?'' she asks Billy. ''You bet!'' he mutters. ''Come on boy!'' she calls me over. I bow my head as she puts my raincoat on me, and ties me to the lead.

We are outside the house now. Why did she have to do this to me? DURING A STORM. As we wander through the moors, there is another clash of thunder. I squeak and try and run home, however, Abbie pulls me straight back. ''Sorry, Pal. You need to walk as you haven't been out all day!'' she says, trying to hold onto the lead as if I was a vicious bulldog trying to eat it's prey. I was having none of this! I pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled and pulled AND PULLED. ''OZZY! STOP THAT RIGHT NOW!'' she screamed at me as her hand slipped off the lead, I did not realise this and scurried straight down the street. I heard her behind me as I turned the corner! You'd think she was trying to murder me, but I ran still as I really wanted to get home. At that moment, I realised that I didn't know where I was.

Chapter 2


Where was I? What had I led myself into? I barked, but no, Abbie didn't hear it, infact she was probably home worried sick by now. How stupid, HOW stupid was I? I should have realised that I was off the lead, then I would never have ran.

As I wandered down a dark street, I saw a cat peeking out from behind a bush. I growled at it. It hissed at me and then ran away! I didn't recognise anything at all on this street, I passed a corner shop, however, it was closed. It was getting late and I needed some rest, but where could I sleep? Across the road there was a pile of leaves and I realised this would have to be my bed for the night before my long journey home in the morning. I crossed to the other side of the road and nestled into the leaves, it wasn't comfy.

The next morning, I begin my journey home, climbing mountains, jumping over rainbows, meeting a wizard... in my dream. Instead of that, I found myself still lying in the pile of leaves, with a puppy at my side sleeping. ''Agh!'' I cried. It woke up. 'Oh! Hey eh-' it was shivering. ''What are you doing in my bed?'' I asked. 'Your bed? That's just a pile of leaves mate, am' afraid.'' he laughed. ''Well, I had no choice. I found myself wandering down this street last night after losing my beloved owner Abbie, and I didn't expect to wake up to find you here, what do you want?'' I asked suspiciously. ''I don't want anything, I lost my owner last week and have been out looking ever since.'' he said, as he stood there, I could tell he was scared. ''Oh, okay. Do you want to come with me?'' I asked. ''Oh boy, mate. Af' course I want to.'' he looked a bit happier now. ''Well, what's your name?'' I asked. ''Ma' name's Pip.'' he said ''Yours?''. ''Ozzy and I suppose we better get going, we have no time to waste.'' I said. ''Okay, let's go then!'' Pip said, and we both started to wander down the street.

Chapter 3

The Park

'So, do you think you and I will ever find them again?' Pip asked me as I stared at him confused. 'Who!? Oh right, our owners. Well, if we believe so we might!' I said to reassure him. We wandered onto a new street and had a look around! Located in the corner was a playpark and we could hear the laughter of little children playing around on the swings. We began to walk over to the park as we heard another dog bark. 'Grrr! Whatcha think you doing? Little homeless dogs.' said a horrible bulldog as we turned round to face him. 'I'm afraid this is our street.' he grunted. 'OUR STREET? I don't see anybody else!' Pip declared as out from the corner of a bush came two more bulldogs. 'We call us' the Bulls, the running Bulls. D' you know why? Because of the amount of dog's we have to chase off our domains. Ain't that right boys?' he said as the other dog's nodded their heads. At this moment, I was panic-stricken. What would these horrible dog's do to us? Would they attack us? Would they chase us off their 'domains'? I could tell Pip was scared as he was shivering yet again. We were trapped! In just a matter of time, the bulldog's started walking towards us, closing in on us. 'O-ozzy.' Pip was petrified. 'It's okay, Pip. I promise!' I whispered, to try and calm him down. If 'The Running Bulls' knew he was scared, it just gave them a reason to frighten us. Suddenly, a large german shepherd jumped out from behind a bush, landing infront of these pests and growling at them. ''Alright, be good. We cause no harm.'' said the leader of these 'Bull's. The german shepherd growled again. This made the bulls yelp and run away. ''What are you doing on this street?'' asked the German Shepherd, ''Are you lost? I've never seen you here before.'' Pip hid behind me, shaking. ''Yes, we are lost actually a-'' the German Shepherd interrupted me, rudely. ''Okay, I'll help you find your way home, my names Pablo by the way.'' he said. ''Nice to meet you, atleast you won't eat us, my names Ozzy.'' I greeted him as we began to wander down the street, passing the bulls who where hiding in a bush. After walking for around one hour, we were very tired, very tired indeed, my eyes were nearly closing. ''I'm afraid, I need to sleep.'' I said, my eyes closing, it was only a few seconds before I dozed off, lying on a grassy field.

I was awoken in the middle of the night by Pablo, I thought he was maybe sleep talking but he wasn't, he was awake. ''and please, make sure that Ozzy and Pablo do as well.'' he was crying. ''Whatcha doing?'' I asked. ''Oh, nothing.'' he tried to hold in his tears. ''It's alright,'' I said, ''you can tell me what it is. I won't tell anyone, well, I mean, there is no one TO tell.'' I laughed. ''Well, Ozzy... I'm a stray... Yes, that's right. A measly mutt.'' he burst out in tears. 'Oh my! What happened?'' I asked. ''I'd rather. Em. Not talk about it Ozzy, sorry but I.. never discuss it... not with any dog.'' he cried. ''That's alright, let's go back to sleep.'' I told him, as we nestled our heads back into the grass.


Chapter 4

Goodbye Pip!

I woke up, Ozzy and Pip were already WIDE awake and moving away from me. ''Well, you coming?'' Ozzy asked me. ''Coming where?'' I said. ''Coming to find our our owners?'' he winked at me. '''Oh, yeah I forgot that was our mission.'' I said, getting up from the grass and walking over to them. ''Ozzy, how long to go? A' can't stand 'is no longer. A' just want tae get ma' owners.'' Pip said worriedly. ''We'll find them, alright, pal?'' I asked. ''Yeah. A' suppose so.'' he replied. We started to stroll down the field, out of a gate, which lead onto a street named 'Lanerose Street'. ''No way! No way! No way!'' Pip's tail started to wag, up and down, up and down it went. ''What is it?'' Ozzy and I asked in unison. ''Guys, this, this is ma' neighbourhood.'' he said with a big smile on his face. ''No way, it is?'' Ozzy asked. ''Yes! It sure is. My street, there's my house'' he lead us over to his front gate. ''Well, I guess this is goodbye, friend.'' Ozzy was upset. ''Yeah, it is mate. A' will miss you so much. These past two days have been rough but you've both helped me survive long enough to make ma' way home. A' hope we meet again, someday, somehow.'' he told us as he went through a hole in the middle of the gate, he barked loudly and before I knew it, out came his two owners with their seemingly five year old son. It was at this moment that Ozzy, and I must admit I, teared up. One of the owners lifted Pip up into their hands and carried him inside, followed by the second owner and the kid. ''Well, now it is just me and you pal.'' I said to Ozzy. ''Yeah, I'll miss Pip so, so much.'' he cried. ''Dude, you realise you only knew him for like 48 hours or less?'' I laughed. ''Yeah, I suppose.'' Ozzy sort of giggled when saying this as we began to stroll away from the house.

There was a shop at the end of Lanerose Street, as we passed by it, the alarm sounded. ''Ha! You'll never catch me.'' shouted a man, running out the shop door. He was wearing black all over and started to bolt down the street. ''Oh no! Somebody get him.'' shouted the shop owner as he watched the man go down the street. Instantly, Ozzy and I rushed after the man. He was trying to escape, but I jumped on his back and down he fell onto the hard concrete below. ''Ahh!'' he screamed. Before we knew it, the police were here and they put the man in hand cuffs, taking him into the back of the police car. ''Wow, well done, boy! You could work for the police.'' one of the police men told me. ''Wait, look here man. He's got no collar, he's a stray! How about he comes with us?'' asked another policeman. ''Oh, that'd be great! Come on, boy.'' shouted one of the policemen to me.


Chapter 5


Wait? What? Come ON, boy? Surely Pablo wouldn't leave me by myself. ''Don't leave me.'' I squealed to Pablo. ''I won't. I have a plan.'' Pablo told me. ''Oh, alright.'' I said relieved. Pablo started to bark at the policemen trying to grab their attention, once the policemen looked at him, he brought their attention over to me. ''Oh, hello boy... How do I recognise you? Oh yeah! Your that missing dog from the telegraph, we better get you to your owners, they are only a few streets away.'' one of the police offers informed me as he lifted me into the back of the car along with Pablo. Pablo was sitting closest to the criminal and barking at him. ''It's alright boy! We'll sort him out.'' the policeman reassured him. It was at that moment, we started to drive off, and that I knew I would be home in no time.

Chapter 6


Here we were, a few minutes or so later, on my street, driving to my house, I couldn't believe I was back, I never thought I would be. ''OH NO!'' one of the policemen went hysterical. It was at this moment we drove past my house and I discovered something absolutely terrifying. MY HOUSE WAS ON FIRE! I prayed to God to protect Abbie and Billy. The policemen quickly got out the car, one of them with a phone in his hand. The phone started to ring. ''Hello 999! Whats your emergency?'' a woman on the phone asked the police man. ''Hello, we need a fire engine at 50 Dove Road.'' he quickly told the woman. ''Okay.'' the woman replied, as the policeman hung up. ''A fire engine should be here any minute'' he told the other officer...

A few minutes or so later, the Fire Engine had arrived and the Firemen rushed out, into my house they went...

I could hear Abbie talking to someone as she emerged from the house with the firemen, I was relived, but where was Billy?...

''You need to go back and get him!'' she shouted at the firemen. ''We can't, miss. It's too risky, he is trapped, I'm afraid there's nothing we can do.'' he told Abbie, as my heart, and her heart sank. Just as I began to cry, Abbie ran back into the house, the firemen chasing after her. Just before they could make it into the house, the house exploded. ''NOOOOOO!'' screamed Abbie, It was at this moment that my heart hit the bottom of the water when suddenly, out from the pile of rubble where my house used to be emerged Billy. ''OH MY GO-'' she cried. ''It's all right, Abbie. Everythings gonna be fine.'' Billy said, walking up to her and cuddling her. It was at this moment that the policemen opened the door, letting me run out. ''BILLY! LOOK!'' shouted Abbie as I ran up to them both, licking their faces until they were covered in slobber. ''Your back!'' Billy exclaimed. ''We have nowhere to stay though, it's not good for Ozzy, or us.'' Abbie said unexcitedly. ''Don't worry, we can sort something out!'' said one of the policemen, smiling at us reassuringly...

Chapter 7

1 year later...

The sun was shining on my back... I was lying outside my new house, relaxing. Abbie and Billy had adopted Pablo, given him a home. Whenever the police needed to look for clues and things like that, they would always come and get Pablo to help them. Pablo loved helping the police, it made him feel like a Sherlock Bones. Abbie has been writing a book all about my adventure home, and guess what? The book publisher loved it, so much that he wants more! There was a knock at the door and I, along with Pablo ran inside over to the door, Billy opened it. It was Ben, one of the police officers and with a smile he looked down at us and told us ''I've got a mission for you!''...



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    BMWritten by Ben M

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