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Meet Earl


By Samantha WardPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Where to begin, Meet Earl! My amazing chihuahua that has helped me in so many ways. This dog is definitely the definition of "man's best friend".

Our story begins actually not long ago, you see about two years ago I lost someone very dear to me, my godfather. This man was literally my best friend.

Well, the night before his funeral I stayed with my godmother (his wife). This is when I met Earl. Earl loved me from the very moment he saw me and didn't leave my side the whole time I was there. He slept with me and everything. She said this was very unusual as he did not like many people and was shy when it came to new people.

A few months go by and she calls me saying Earl is just not happy. He would not eat like he should. At the time I had too many furbabies and just could not add another as bad as I wanted to take him I just knew that there was no way. I told her to give him time to grieve, he needed to grieve just like we did. But, after a year he was still not acting the same. He was still barely eating and when he did eat it was only when she was right beside him.

Well, she then asks if I can babysit him while she went out of state for a week, I of course said yes! Well, he was thriving with me he was doing so well, I then told her I would just keep him because he was so happy. This is how he became my baby.

I then proceeded to make sure that I got him registered as my support animal so that I would never have to find a new home for him no matter what anyone said. With this nobody could say I could not have him. He goes everywhere with me and follows me all through the house. He is the most amazing support animal. If I am upset he is there and doesn't even leave my side until he knows that I feel better. He is literally one of a kind. Because of us both losing someone so important to us we have a very unique bond that is just unbreakable.

He always lets me know when someone is here and never lets anything happen to me. He is little but he thinks he is big (hehe). He will bark, nip, and growl at anyone that hurts me. If my children try to even play hit and he thinks they hurt me he barks at them. He has never bitten anyone he just lets them know that he doesn't approve of that behavior. This dog would literally put his life on the line for me. People may say "my dog would do that too" But you would just need to see us together to understand how connected we actually are. You know many people think that they are connected to their pets but I think that when you and your pet are both grieving the same person and it was someone so important to the both of you the bond is just different. I never even cared to own a little dog because my whole life growing up I had little dogs except a select few big ones. I was "burnt out" of small dogs until Earl. Earl just has something about him that makes me feel like I can't be without him and our bond is so strong he comes with me to the bathroom and waits for me to get out of the shower. He is a picky eater and will only eat moist and meaty and canned food but he is the best. I would really not know what to do without him. He was an amazing transformation for me.


About the Creator

Samantha Ward

Just a mom of 4 children going through this rough life! Love reading and writing.

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