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Love is a West Highland Terrier

Once in your Heart I will stay there for ever!

By HappydazegtPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Look into those Loving Eyes.

We love having West Highland terriers as part of our family they go wel above the definition of a pet as far as we are concerned. There are many dog breeds in existence all over the world. Finding one that fits your lifestyle takes a lot of consideration and thought, after all a pet is for life not just a whim of the moment. They become one of your family and a protective of your family and will bring the family more together.

Have you noticed that when you take your dog to the Vet that all the family goes along with you BUT when you take your child to the Doctors it's just you that accompanies the child.

West highland terriers, also known as westies, is described as "all terrier" used to seek and dig out foxes and badgers. But despite their strong-willed personality and boldness as terrier, it is not impossible for these dogs to become great pets as well. Your kids may find a playmate in a westie since this breed gets along well with children. Rule of the thumb to prevent any untoward incident: no poking of eyes, no pulling of tail or whatever it is that can annoy the furry creature. Kids must also be trained to leave the pet alone when resting or eating.they are terriers and not lap dogs, this small sized dog breed can sit in your lap to keep you company. Having your westie sitting beside you on a rainy day while you watch your favorite television show can be so comforting. And if you need travel companion, they will always be there at your service since these dogs are easy to travel with.


small physique does not make them less of a watchdog. Protectiveness is actually a strong characteristic of west highland terriers. The small bodied animal will definitely make the loudest bark to scare off enemies and to warn his human of what he perceived danger. They will also not hesitate to use their quite large teeth if needed.

Being energetic and playful, one might say that a Westie does not longer need to exercise since play provides a lot of the exercise needs. But also true with other breeds, these little dogs need to be taken out for daily walks to fulfill their primal instinct to walk and therefore prevent behavior problems such as aggression, chewing and others.Plus a big bonus is that taking your pet for a walk is good for you too! If you didn't have your dog then you would probably just sit at home making all types of excuses why you should not go for a walk. Just remember not to walk your dog in the heat of the day try to do it early morning or later in the day.

How to select your West Highland Terrier.

If you have found a breeder which matches your criteria, he or she may point out to you the west highland white terrier which comes closest to your ideal. Waiting for the “right” litter to be whelped is always a big pay-off, even if it takes weeks or months. The luckiest you can get is to be able to compare puppies, pedigrees and parents due to more than one good litter in your area. It's good to be in the know! Good litters won't be available for too long, and sometimes a choice litter is completely spoken for by the time the puppies are 8 to 12 weeks of age.

You will know in your heart which one of the litter is the dog you want to take home. Once you make eye contact your instincts will tell you it's strange but people I have met say that how they fell in love with their pet, it was love at first site!

It is good to inform the breeder if you have another specific purpose for the dog other than its being a companion (e.g. for show or for work), and have the breeder help in the selection. It is rare to have a litter that has a good number of real “show prospects” among them.

And how do you appraise the westie puppies? There are more things to check aside from cuteness and appeal. The puppies need to be sturdy in built with straight legs. When you hold them, they need to feel firm and muscular. They will also be expectedly wriggly and active, but willing to relax and be cuddled for a few minutes. The puppy coats need to be tidy and thick; eyes, nose and ears clean from any unwanted dirt or irritation; and they must not be pot-bellied. Gums must not be pale, but pink.

If there are several puppies from the breeder to choose from, take the first puppy that you are considering away from its littermates and observe how it responds to you and its environment. Puppies aged seven to ten weeks old need to be capable of making personal forays into their surroundings; predictably, they will be on-guard, but soon they ideally need to be checking on new objects and be quite self-confident with themselves. Try talking to the puppy, and see if it goes after you as you move away. Shift its focus to a toy, and see if it has the instinct to watch, pursue, carry, or—although the chances are remote—retrieve the ball for you. While the retriever-westie is certainly a rare surprise, be prudent of the other extreme, which is a dog that does not seem to be aware of a moving object. How about the dogs' personalities, and which are you more comfortable with? Again, the breeder who had spent hours with the parents and with the puppies can advise you.

With regard to the parents, take time to meet the west highland white terrier bitch for more temperament clues; she needs to be watchful and patient with her puppies, and positive and calm with showing them to a visitor. If the sire is availableArticle Submission, take time to see him also.

If you have just brought home a west highland terrier, then believe that in no time you will be rewarded with devoted, happy and faithful dog that loves to be around people. This breed with distinct white coat is known to be courageous yet friendly. And just like any other dog breed, these small-sized dogs need to be cared for properly in order to keep them healthy, happy and allow them the privilege of reaching their prime.

Here are some advice you may find beneficial in giving your beloved pet the care he truly deserve:

1. This breed does not need frequent bathing. Doing so will only trigger allergies and dry skin issues considering the fact that they are prone to it. A west highland terrier must be bathed once a month or better yet on a longer interval. Mild shampoo or detergent-free shampoo specially made for dogs should be used during bath time to keep the skin healthy and dehydrated at the same time prevent the occurrence of allergies and skin problems.

2. While they do not need frequent bathing, frequent brushing is very imoprtant to keep the coat clean. Brushing should be done around three times a week using a short bristled brush. Grooming at home is alright however if you intend to have a show pet, it is a great idea to have your westie groomed by a professional or experience groomer. Once you are aware of what a show westie looks like, you can try grooming yours yourself.

3. The nails should be kept short thus trimming every two weeks is recommended. The hair around the paws should also be trimmed. Owners must also bear in mind that the ears must be kept clean and dry to prevent oil and wax buildup before it leads to ear infections.

4. High quality dog food plays a very big part in every dog's life. As such, the owner is therefore responsible in providing for the pet's dietary needs. Veterinarian advice is greatly needed in this matter.

5. These energetic yet small-sized dogs need to release their oozing energy thus regular exercise is necessary in order for this breed to stay healthy, physically and mentally. Failure to provide regular exericse may lead to destructive behavior problems such as chewing, digging and excessive barking.

Since these dogs are fun loving little creaturesHealth Fitness Articles, their involvement in every family activity can be physically and mentally beneficial.


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