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In response to reports of attacks, one expert claims that pit bulls are bred for hostility.

Pit bulls are bred for aggression and it's time we took notice

By Salmoun DANIELPublished about a year ago 6 min read
In response to reports of attacks, one expert claims that pit bulls are bred for hostility.
Photo by Cierra Voelkl on Unsplash

Aggressive behavior is often lauded in pit bulls. This is because many people believe that this type of behavior is necessary for the dog to be a "good" fighting dog. However, what many people don't realize is that this aggression is often the result of poor breeding and training.

Pit bulls are often bred by people who want to create a dog that is aggressive and has a strong bite. This is done by selecting dogs that are more likely to be aggressive and then breeding them with other aggressive dogs. This results in a higher percentage of aggressive dogs in the population.

These dogs are then often put into fighting situations where they learn to be even more aggressive. This aggressive behavior is then reinforced by their owners. As a result, these dogs often become aggressive toward other dogs and people. This is a serious problem that needs to be addressed.

1. A brief history of the Pit bull breed

2. The truth about their reputation for aggression

3. Why we need to take notice of this issue

4. The steps we can take to address the problem

5. What the future could hold for the Pit bull breed

1. A brief history of the Pit bull breed

Pit bulls were originally bred in England in the early 1800s. The first recorded use of the term "pit bull" was in 1833. Pit bulls were originally bred for bull-baiting, a popular blood sport in which a bull was chained to a post and set upon by a dog. The dog that was able to bite the bull's face and hold on the longest was considered the winner.

Pit bulls were brought to the United States in the 1860s, where they were used in dog fighting. Dog fighting became a popular spectator sport in the United States, and pit bulls were prized for their fighting ability. In the early 1900s, pit bulls were also used as "catch dogs" on farms, where they were tasked with rounding up stray pigs and other livestock.

Pit bulls were originally bred for aggression, and this trait has been passed down through generations of breeding. Pit bulls are now the most commonly confiscated breed of dog by animal shelters in the United States. This is largely due to the fact that pit bulls are more likely to be involved in aggressive incidents than other breeds of dog.

Pit bulls are not naturally aggressive towards humans, but they are often aggressive towards other dogs. This is due to their history of being bred for fighting. Pit bulls that are properly socialized and trained are no more likely to be aggressive than any other breed of dog.

Despite the negative reputation that pit bulls have, they can make excellent pets. Pit bulls are loyal, loving, and affectionate dogs that can be great companions.

2. The truth about their reputation for aggression

Pit bulls have been subject to some pretty unfair press over the years. The truth is, they are no more aggressive than any other breed of dog. The problem is that they are often used in dog fighting, which gives them a bad reputation.

In reality, pit bulls are gentle, loving dogs. They are great with children and make excellent family pets. It is only when they are trained to be aggressive that they become a danger to society.

Sadly, this negative reputation has led to a lot of discrimination against pit bulls. Many people believe that they are dangerous animals that should be banned. This is simply not true.

Pit bulls are not naturally aggressive animals. They are gentle, loving creatures that deserve to be treated with love and respect. It is only when they are abused and trained to be aggressive that they become a danger to society. We need to start seeing them for the loving creatures they really are.

3. Why we need to take notice of this issue

Pit bulls were originally bred for fighting and they have been bred for aggression for many years. This is an issue because they are often used in dog fighting and they are also often used as guard dogs. This can be a problem because they can be aggressive towards humans and other animals. They may also be more likely to bite people.

We need to take notice of this issue because pit bulls are often bred for aggression. This can be a problem because they may be more likely to bite people or be aggressive towards other animals. They may also be used in dog fighting.

4. The steps we can take to address the problem

As a society, we need to take better care in addressing the issue of aggressive pit bulls. There are a number of steps we can take to help mitigate the problem:

1. Improve public education on the issue – One of the issues we face is a lack of understanding when it comes to aggressive pit bulls. Part of the problem is that people see them as cuddly, loyal pets when in reality they are much more than that. We need to do a better job of educating people on the dangers of aggressive pit bulls and what to do if they encounter one.

2. Spay/neuter programs – Another way to help address the problem is to take part in spaying and neutering programs. This will help to decrease the number of aggressive pit bulls that are out there.

3. Proper training and socialization – It is important that pit bulls are properly trained and socialized. This will help to reduce the chances of them becoming aggressive.

4. Improve legislation – Currently, there is not much in the way of legislation when it comes to aggressive pit bulls. This needs to change in order to help address the problem.

By taking these steps, we can help to address the problem of aggressive pit bulls. It is important that we take action now in order to keep our communities safe.

5. What the future could hold for the Pit bull breed

Pit bulls were originally bred for fighting and aggression. This is not to say that all Pit bulls are aggressive, but the breed as a whole has a history of being bred for violence. In recent years, there has been an increase in media coverage of Pit bull attacks, which has led to a negative public perception of the breed. This is not surprising, given the media's tendency to sensationalize stories. However, it is important to remember that not all Pit bulls are aggressive, and many Pit bulls make excellent pets.

There are currently no laws in place that ban specific dog breeds, but that could change in the future. If the public continue to perceive Pit bulls as a danger to society, there could be calls for a ban on the breed. This would be a controversial move, and would likely be met with resistance from those who own Pit bulls and believe that they are gentle and loving animals. However, if enough people believe that Pit bulls are a danger to society, it is possible that a ban could be put in place.

Another possibility for the future of Pit bulls is that they could be bred for temperament instead of aggression. This would be a huge undertaking, and would require a concerted effort from Pit bull breeders. It would also be necessary to convince the public that Pit bulls can be safe and loving pets. This would be a difficult task, given the current public perception of the breed. However, it is possible that, with time, the Pit bull breed could be transformed into a gentler breed.

The future of Pit bulls is uncertain. They could be banned, or they could be bred for a different purpose. What is certain is that the public perception of the breed will play a large role in determining their future.

Pit bulls are aggressive dogs that have been bred for fighting. They are not suited to be family pets. It is time we took notice of this and stopped breeding them.

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About the Creator

Salmoun DANIEL

mr dog is a dog blog that covers everything from health and nutrition to exercise and training. There is also a strong focus on dog-related news and current events.

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    Salmoun DANIELWritten by Salmoun DANIEL

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