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I smell snow

Just one memory...

By Jen PhillipsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
The Jen Show

Picking just one fond memory is hard when you have soo many. You have years of memories, 12 years too short. I had twelve years with my best friend before he had to go. But I think one of my favourite memories would have to be the morning after a big snowstorm a few years ago. I got the day off work because there was no way I was getting to work at all. So, I opened up the back door to let my dog out. It was hard to open the door since all the snow piled up against it.

I finally got the door opened and Milo (the dog) outside. He walked like 3 feet and then poofed he was gone. I waited to see if he would pop up somewhere but nope. The snow practically ate Milo.

I ran back inside to call for my boyfriend at the time; "Babe! Help! The snow- it ate Milo!"

He brushes it off like it was nothing but I persisted, and he finally came to the back door. We put our boots and coats on, and we go outside.

"See! He's gone the snow ate the dog," next thing we knew, we see a yellow head pop up every so often from the snow. Kind of like Sheldon Cooper from the Big Bang theory. In the one episode where Sheldon's roommate Leonard tries to get Sheldon out of the ball pen. With Sheldon going under the balls and coming up somewhere else saying Bazinga! Every time he comes up.

With Milo bouncing through the snow felt like the scene with Sheldon and Leonard in the Big Bang theory.

While Milo was doing his thing and having a blast, my boyfriend at the time and I put a few more layers on, grabbed shovels, and went back outside. We spent the rest of the morning digging paths and tunnels. To which Milo could honestly care less about the paths, to be honest. He was more interested in the tunnels and running through the snow.

Milo was the kind of dog who, if you let him, would be outside in the snow playing in it forever. After we spent hours playing in the snow we finally had to go in because we were getting a little cold.

We went inside to warm up, eat lunch and think of how we could spend our afternoon. After we had lunch we decided to attempt to go for a walk in the neighbourhood. Mostly to see what the winter wonderland the storm had brought.

Milo loved the fact that most of our walk was on the road and the number of snow banks there were, from people shoveling and snow plows going by. I'd have to say that was one of the best snow days I had in years. Being able to see my dog having the best day of his life. Just being able to play in the snow all day and not have a care in the world.

After adventuring through the winter wonderland we called our neighbourhood we went home for dinner and finished the even up with hot coffee and ordered a pizza. Also, can't forget to put a movie on to crawl into bed to snuggle.

The wonders about what one day can do. Especially to a dog. Just being able to stay home from work to play in the snow all day with your dog, makes a huge difference in his short life.

A dog is only here for such a short time in your life but you are here for a lifetime for him.


About the Creator

Jen Phillips

Having a creative imagination has no limitations. My favourite past time is just dumping all my thoughts on to paper and seeing where it goes.

You can follow me on Instagram, Twitter

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