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How to Train Your Puppy: Step-by-Step Instructions

Do you want to be the kind of person who can train a dog? Then read this article, preferably several times, before attempting to train your puppy. Training a dog might not be as difficult as you think; after all, people have been doing it for centuries. The difficulty usually lies in getting someone else's pet to listen to you and do what you ask them to do rather than what they would prefer to do on their own.

By Michael Published 2 years ago 5 min read
How to Train Your Puppy: Step-by-Step Instructions
Photo by Adam Griffith on Unsplash

Training a dog is slightly different from training a cat. Dogs are pack animals by nature, meaning they respond well to commands given by another member of their pack. In fact, dogs will often ignore commands given by humans unless we give them the right signals that we are also part of their pack. That's why so much of the initial training involves becoming an accepted member of your pet's pack—a feat that takes more time and effort with some individuals than others. The actual process of training is easier than it sounds once you know exactly what needs doing. Dog training comes in five main stages:

Step 1: Breaking Behaviour

When you first get a pet, they are likely to have acquired some bad habits over their lifetime that you will have to break. You can't expect to teach a puppy to sit if they're used to jumping up on every person they see. Similarly, you can't expect your puppy to hold still while you trim their nails if they're used to squirming around at the mere sight of a pair of clippers.

As a pet owner, you have to be consistent—otherwise you risk confusing your pet. If you don't want your dog to jump up on you, you have to make that clear from the very beginning. If you give your pet any room to jump up at all, they will take advantage of it and jump up more often. You might also want to consider a pet anti-bark collar if your pet is barking too often. Sure, it might be a bit extreme, but it is a quick and easy fix if you want to get the barking to stop.

>>How to train your puppy' is for you who have a puppy and for you who have an adult dog!(Click Here To Watch Video)

Step 2: Teaching the Basics

The first thing any dog trainer has to do is get their dog to come when they call. This might sound like a simple task, but it can be tricky if your pet is used to ignoring you. Most dog owners call their pets by name, but their pets don't know that. So come when you call means more than just calling your pet's name. It means getting your pet to associate your words with coming towards you. There are three basic techniques for teaching your pet to come when you call. You can use a clicker, your voice, or a whistle. Whichever you choose, you have to use the same method every time.

>>How to train your puppy' is for you who have a puppy and for you who have an adult dog!(Click Here To Watch Video)


A clicker is a small plastic device with a spring-loaded clicking mechanism. You can get a clicker in any pet store, or you can order one online. The clicker has two uses in dog training: it marks the moment a pet does something right, and it can be used as a substitution for food rewards.

Using a Clicker

When you use the clicker, you have to pair it with a reward or your pet will learn to come when they hear the click and nothing else. You can reward your pet with a treat, a pat on the head, or most anything else they enjoy. To use the clicker to call your pet, say the word "come" and then click the clicker a few times. If you want, say the word "come" again as your pet approaches.

Using Your Voice

>>How to train your puppy' is for you who have a puppy and for you who have an adult dog!(Click Here To Watch Video)

Come when you call is one of the first things you need to teach your dog, so you can't use a clicker from the start. If you click, your pet will think the click means something else. Using your voice will also help to train your pet to obey your orders even when you don't have a clicker on you.

Using a Whistle

You can buy a "come when you call" whistle in any pet store. Some pet owners swear that a whistle is more effective than a clicker.

Teaching the Basics

When you want to teach your dog to sit, stand, or stay, you can't just do it once and expect the lesson to take. You need to repeat the action, or "proof," the behaviour: stand still while your pet tries to sit down next to you, or let your pet try to climb or jump on you—then give your pet a firm "no" and make them sit or stay as punishment.

>>How to train your puppy' is for you who have a puppy and for you who have an adult dog!(Click Here To Watch Video)

Adding Difficulty

After you've mastered the basics, you can move on to more difficult tasks. Start by adding a few variations to each command. For example, instead of just saying "sit," say "sit down." Keep your pet on their toes by mixing up the order in which you give them different commands. For example, "sit down stay."

Maintaining Your Dog's Behaviour

After training your dog, you will have a better friend for life. But, to maintain this relationship, you need to keep up with the training. If you stop training your dog on a regular basis, they will start to forget what you've taught them. To keep your dog's behaviour in check, you need to put in 10 to 15 minutes of training time each day.

Final Words

Training a dog is a big responsibility. You will have a friend for life if you do it correctly, but you also have to be prepared to put in the effort. To train a dog well, you have to spend time with them regularly. If you are in a hurry to get your training done quickly, you will do it poorly. Your dog will quickly lose interest in the lessons and become frustrated, and the training will be a waste of time.

>>How to train your puppy' is for you who have a puppy and for you who have an adult dog!(Click Here To Watch Video)

All dogs are different, so you will have to tailor your training to fit your pet's unique personality. You can't expect all dogs to respond to training in the same way. If you follow these steps, you will end up with a well-behaved dog in no time.


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