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How to feed rabbits scientifically

How to feed rabbits scientifically-Young Rabbits

By chen yinPublished about a year ago 2 min read

Rabbits are herbivores. The grasses they eat include shepherd's purse, plantain, dandelion, and goose sausage. They can also eat rabbit feed, and they should be fed according to their feeding habits. Let's take a closer look at what grass rabbits eat, what they eat to grow fast, and their scientific feeding methods:

What should be included and paid attention to in the diet of young rabbits under six months:

1Unlimited supply of hay:

Personally, I chose Alfalfa Hay, Timothy Hay, Orchard Hay mixed unlimited supply. Some rabbit parents choose to supply only alfalfa in the juvenile period, or a mixture of alfalfa and diced grass is also a good way.

Alfalfa should be used as the staple food, because it needs to supplement nutrition for young rabbits to grow their body. Mixing grass or orchard grass can make the rabbit's stomach adapt in advance, and it can also enrich its diet. I asked the veterinarian at the Yipet Hospital to approve mixed grass feeding. If there is excess nutrition and urine calcium/grape stool, you can reduce some alfalfa and increase the proportion of orchard grass.

2Unlimited supply of cold boiled/purified water:

Rabbits need to drink water, but their intestines and stomach are fragile, so they should be fed with clean water.

3Limited rabbit food:

It is said that it is more appropriate to feed the rabbit food with 2%-5% weight of the rabbit’s body weight, and the amount of rabbit food should be adjusted according to the rabbit itself. My rabbit eats oxbow baby rabbit food. I only give it 2% of its body weight every day, because my rabbit will poop grapes if I give it too much. Giving less can encourage it to eat more grass and gain weight Fat.

4utrition (not required):

Occasionally, I give rabbits a piece of oxbow vitamin C tablet (Figure 5). According to the instructions, young rabbits can eat it. I asked the veterinarian and they said they can eat it. Remember to read the instructions and popular science before feeding nutrition. It is better to ask the veterinarian to be safer.

5Grinding items:

I prepared apple branches that can be bought online for rabbits to chew on as their usual tools for grinding their teeth, as well as mats made of hay for them to chew on occasionally. It is best not to give molar grass cakes sold online to young rabbits, as they contain starch and may cause flatulence.

❌Young rabbits under five/six months should not be fed fruits and vegetables, the stomach is still relatively fragile, and eating them is prone to problems. Some rabbit parents and rabbit mothers will occasionally feed a small piece of vegetables that rabbits can eat, but it should be washed and dried, and it is recommended to feed them as little as possible. Fruits are more dangerous, so it is recommended not to feed them in infancy.

❌Alfalfa should be cut off for rabbits over six months old! Just feeding timothy grass is enough. You can add some other herbs for extra meals.

❌It is best not to put disposable urine pads like cats and dogs where the rabbits can touch. Rabbits like to chew things randomly, and accidents may happen if they eat them by mistake. My house is made of washable and reusable cloth changing mats, and rabbits will not eat them even if they chew on them.


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