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How to deworm the parasites that are on the cat's body?


By Michaell BrawnPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

If a cat is not disinfected regularly, it is very troublesome if it is infected with parasites, because although the parasites are small, they can have a great impact on the cat and can even cause death if it is serious. So if a cat is infected with parasites, what should the pooper scooper do?

  I. Species of parasites in cats

  1, roundworm, pale yellow, is a parasite that both people and cats can suffer from. After the cat is infected with roundworm, there will be vomiting, lethargy, gradual loss of weight, developmental delay, etc. If it is a large number of infections, it will lead to intestinal obstruction and overlapping, and even lead to intestinal perforation. If the larvae of roundworms pass through the lungs, they will cause respiratory symptoms in cats and coughing, and in severe cases, breathing difficulties, which we call pneumonia. Roundworms are known to affect the growth and development of cats and can even lead to death in severe cases.

  2. Hookworms, small yellowish nematodes. When cats are infected, they will show symptoms such as lethargy, hair loss and easy shedding, and lack of luster, loss of appetite, lethargy, vomiting, and even blood in the stool with a fishy smell. If a large number of hookworm larvae enter the body through the skin, it will lead to itching and inflammation of the cat's skin.

  3. Neotrichia, a yellow-white slender fan-like parasite. The initial stage of infection is the appearance of coughing symptoms, later will be hepatomegaly, fluid in the abdominal cavity, breathing difficulties and other symptoms, and finally, will lead to the death of the cat.

  4. Tapeworm, light red with yellow. Also known as compound tapeworm. It is parasitic in the intestinal tract of cats and can cause intestinal obstruction and anemia in severe cases. In severe cases of tapeworm infection, cats may suffer from vomiting, diarrhea, chronic enteritis, and weight loss. In general, a mild infection will not attract the pooper scooper's attention. The pooper scooper can look around the cat's feces or anus, and if he/she finds a segment of the worm, the cat is infected with tapeworm.

  Second, how to do if there are parasites on the cat

  If there are parasites on the cat, the cat should be dewormed. Before in vitro deworming, bathe the cat, wait until it is dry, then put the dewormer on the back of the cat's neck, then drop a few drops along the back, preferably in a place that the cat cannot lick, after dropping the dewormer, do not give it a bath before it expires.

  In the case of in vivo deworming, it is necessary to feed the deworming medicine to the cat 3-4 hours after it has eaten, and it is necessary to fast for 5-6 hours after feeding to ensure that the deworming medicine is effective. Deworming medication is medicine and must be fed in strict accordance with the requirements above the instructions.

  If your cat has a bad stomach and is having soft stools and diarrhea, it is best not to deworm your cat, it is best to wait until the stomach is well adjusted before deworming, the pooper scooper can give your cat probiotics to regulate the stomach. Because of the poor gastrointestinal cat, you give it in order to deworming medicine is equal to stimulate its intestines again, that is more damage to the cat, will lead to more serious cat diarrhea.

 If the cat has too many worms in its body, it can be dewormed again half a month after deworming, if not more, it is usually dewormed once every three months or six months apart.


About the Creator

Michaell Brawn

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