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The Story of the Old Man Training Cats to Catch Mice

By 徐金升Published 10 months ago 3 min read

Let me tell you a story, though it might not be classified as a supernatural tale.

One of my elder brothers has had various experiences and a wide range of knowledge. He once shared with me an encounter he had. During a trip to Shaanxi, he met a man around sixty years old, who was referred to as "old grandpa". This elderly man's occupation was with the local grain bureau, where he oversaw the largest grain storage facility.

The old grandpa had an exceptional skill – animal training. He had spent over three years assembling a team of several dozen cats to guard this large granary. Access to such a granary is restricted, and my brother's friend's father, who was once the deputy head of the grain bureau, arranged a temporary pass for him. My brother went to chat with the old grandpa, and the two had a harmonious conversation.

Now, let's delve into the details about the old grandpa. He had a natural affinity for animals since his childhood, and he had some knowledge in this area. He enjoyed interacting with small animals around him. He came across news about the severe grain losses in his area due to mice problems. Since the granary was unique and allowed only the use of traps and other isolation measures, it was a futile effort.

The old grandpa thought he could contribute something to the granary. So, he took his pet cat, a large orange one named "Da Huang", to the grain bureau. The reception was met with wry smiles. The idea of cats catching mice seemed reasonable, and the compound did already have cats. However, the infestation was too vast for them to handle. The concept of training cats was even more preposterous. After the old grandpa returned home, his wife gave him a stern scolding. Nevertheless, she managed to get him two kittens within a week.

Half a year later, with two trained cats, the old grandpa returned to the grain bureau. This time, he was received by my brother's friend's father. Impressed by the old grandpa's capabilities, he gave him a try, offering him a wage that would be dependent on his success. Over the next six months, the old grandpa enlisted over a dozen cats from the compound. These cats were tasked with guarding a specific warehouse. When the grain inventory was checked the following year, this warehouse had virtually no losses.

The old grandpa's status was elevated accordingly. He expanded his team, took on the responsibility of larger granaries, and eventually supervised the entire main storage facility. The old grandpa would patrol the granary, taking half a day for each round.

During one of his rounds, my brother followed the old grandpa. He observed that the cats were trained much like soldiers. They had sentinels, concealed lookouts, and even pairs or trios patrolling together. When the old grandpa reached a certain spot, he'd whistle softly, and cats would emerge from hiding places, peering at him attentively.

The old grandpa mentioned that since cats are one of nature's top hunters, their innate qualities made them suitable for training, and this led him to the idea of using them to guard the warehouse. When he was a young man, his male kittens were too restless to stay in one place, so he trained them to form a patrol team. The presence of these cats even frightened off the wild dogs in the vicinity.

Although many might find this story unremarkable, I still believe that the old grandpa possessed remarkable skills. Such crafts should be passed down, and we should often differentiate between what deserves to be discarded and what should be preserved...


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    Written by 徐金升

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