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Five Ways to Make Friends with Your Cat


By Abdul Hannan SaifPublished 2 months ago 3 min read

Cats are known for their aloof and unpredictable behavior, making it difficult for their owners to understand them. However, cats have their language, and if you learn it, there's a chance you'll understand them much better. We've put together a guide to help you find a common language with your pet.

1. The Tail

Understanding a cat's body language is essential for any cat owner. The tail is a crucial part of a cat's communication, and it's essential to know what different tail positions mean.

A raised upward and curled tail is a sign that your cat is content and happy with its life. If your cat's tail occasionally twitches, it means that your cat is excited or worried about something. When the fur on your cat's tail juts out in different directions, it means that your fluffy friend is very excited or feels threatened.

If your cat vibrates its tail slightly when it's agitated and glad to see you, it's a sign that your cat is happy to see you, but it's also feeling a little bit agitated. You need to pay special attention to your cat if it sticks its tail straight up and bends its back to form an end as it's a sign of extreme aggression and occurs during self-defense. If you see this behavior, it's best to give your cat some space and avoid any interaction.

The straight but inclined tail is a sign of slight aggression or fright. Your cat lowers its tail toward the ground when it's frightened or feels guilty. Knowing these different tail positions will help you communicate better with your cat and understand its needs better.

2. The Eyes

The dilation of pupils in cats can be a strong indication of various emotions, such as playfulness, agitation, fright, or aggression. When a cat looks directly into your eyes, it's considered a sign of trust. A slow blink from your feline friend can indicate that they are feeling calm and comfortable around you. Paying attention to your cat's body language and unique behaviors can help you better understand their mood and foster a stronger bond between you and your furry companion.

3. Interactions with People

Cats have their own unique ways of expressing their emotions and communicating with humans. For instance, when a cat rubs against you, it is marking you as its territory and property, as well as showing affection and trust. Similarly, when a cat pokes you with a wet nose, it is expressing attachment and showing that it feels comfortable around you.

If a cat rubs its head, side, or tail against you, it is a way of saying hello and acknowledging your presence. When a cat butts you slightly with its head, it is a sign of friendliness and a way of showing affection.

Cats often move from one paw to another when they are happy or want to play, and may even start purring to express contentment. If a cat licks you, it's a definite sign that it trusts you and considers you part of its family. This is because grooming is a social behavior among cats, and they only groom those they consider to be part of their social group.

Lastly, when your cat bites your hair, it's simply trying to clean you, which is another strong sign of love and trust. Cats are very clean animals and often groom themselves and their loved ones as a way of bonding and showing affection.

4. Other Gestures

A cat raises its nose and throws its head to say "I see you." Cats often make this gesture to people walking past the window. A cat might press its ears against its head if it's scared, worried, or wants to play. They also do this when they are sniffing something that's interested them. When a cat sticks its tongue out slightly and licks itself, it's worried or anxious.

5. Cat Language

Cats generally greet people or announce their presence with a short sound. Lengthy meowing indicates that your cat is very glad to see you. A medium-length meow might be a request for water.

Cats are fascinating creatures with their own language and behavior. By learning their language, you can understand their needs and wants better. Remember that cats are independent creatures and need their own space and time. With a little patience and understanding, you can become best friends with your furry companion.

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About the Creator

Abdul Hannan Saif

Blogger | Writer | Explorer | wish to inspire, inform and help others to see fascinating discoveries and live a fulfilled life!

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  • anha saif2 months ago

    Good work 👏🏻

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