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Deer Head Chihuahua - Personality And Other Info

By DandelionclubPublished 4 years ago 9 min read

Are you looking for a mini-sized dog with a big dog personality? Then a Deer head Chihuahua is the one for you. We are going to deeply analyze the traits, personality and behavior of this breed so you can make informed decisions. Read on to find out just how the Deer Head Chihuahua may be the breed for you…

What is a Deer Head Chihuahua?

As a dog breed, the Chihuahua’s history is unknown. The first Chihuahua was found with the Aztecs, so it is believed that Aztecs bred this dog back in the 1500s. Back then, the Chihuahuas were bred as a companion dog. The Chihuahua first gained recognition in the early 1900s, and were split into two varieties: the Deer Head and the Apple Head Chihuahua.

The Deer Head is typically larger than Apple Heads. This little dog is confident, sassy and a bit feisty. This type of dog should be kept away from a family with children but, they do make for a perfect companion for someone in an apartment. They do not need a lot of exercise or mental stimulation, and very minimal grooming. Weighing about 10 pounds, these dogs are only 8-12 inches tall. The average lifespan of Deer Head Chihuahuas is between 15 to 20 years.

Are you the right owner for a Deer Head Chihuahua?

The Deer Head Chihuahua may be a small creature, but their bigger-than-life energy will fill any home. Their fun-loving, eccentric and energetic temperament requires an owner with a similar personality.

You do have to set aside some time for their training and socialization as they are temperamentally wild and untrained. While their health care is manageable, illnesses, treatment can be a little expensive and complicated. So it's best to have an expert nearby to ease some of your worries.

How to Train a Deer Head Chihuahua

When it comes to training, positive reinforcement is the best way to train any dog. In the case of a Deer Head Chihuahua, a certain amount of patience is also important. Although you can easily train them, they are still very stubborn dogs. So despite their small size, they need to have a firm owner, who is willing to put in that time and effort.

They are not the friendliest dogs, so socializing and familiarizing them initially is important. Introduce them with people and different animals around you when they are young. These pups do not require much mental stimulation. Instead, they are more than happy to keep themselves occupied playing with whatever toys they find.

It is additionally important to set down limits with them when they are youthful. A youthful Deer Head Chihuahua that is permitted to get away with things will transform into a more concerning issue that could eventually get dangerous. These dogs normally do not take to outsiders very well either, and will frequently nip or chomp at them.

7 Fun Facts about the Deer Head Chihuahua

1. They are the oldest dog breeds, dating back to the 1500s.

2. Chihuahuas are the smallest dog breed.

3. They are the unofficial state dog of Arizona.

4. At one time, it was believed that they could cure asthma.

5. They can make excellent watchdogs.

6. Wild packs of Chihuahuas roam on the streets throughout Arizona.

7. Chihuahuas used to be gifted with bouquets of flowers and greeting cards.

8. Deer Head Chihuahuas are ineligible to join dog shows as per AKC standards.

What’s it like living with a Deer Head Chihuahua?

Deer head Chihuahua is very alert and confident. Owning one means being on your toes at all times. The Deer Head Chihuahua is a rather low-maintenance dog. Its small size means that it consumes less food than larger dogs. The short fur, smooth-coat Deer Head is easy to take care of. They love to play around with their owners, whether with you or by making up a game themselves. When they are not curled up under a blanket, you will find them running around the house, tackling their toys.

This pooch usually bonds with one member of the family, so do not expect your dog to be affectionate with everyone else in your house. Their favorite person in the house will be the one who cares for them the most.

Training your feisty dog

Since Chihuahuas are small in size, a lot of owners often do not consider training as a significant factor. As mentioned before, due to their dynamic energy and willfulness, Chihuahuas need a strong and firm leader.

It is up to you to correct any behavioral issues and teach your dog proper behavior through your commands and actions.

The Deer Head Chihuahua shows an eagerness to be trained at an early age. They are very intelligent creatures and this makes them perfect for learning commands during training.

Training should be reinforced daily, only through positive means such as rewards and perks, to ensure good behavior from the Chihuahua.

The proper diet for the tiny Chihuahua

Smaller dog breeds, like the Deer Head Chihuahua, consume about 40 calories per pound of body weight per day.

So, if your Chihuahua weighs around 8 pounds, you have to feed him around 320 calories a day. Adult Chihuahuas can be fed ¼ to ¾ cups of food daily, divided into 2 to 3 meals.

It is recommended to feed your Chihuahua dry kibble because hard kibble’s texture will help keep their teeth clean. Due to their small mouths and throats, Deer Head Chihuahuas may have issues eating some types of dry dog food. Make sure to give your Chihuahua small-sized kibble so they can eat it easily with no problems.

In addition to this, make sure that your Chihuahua’s diet is rich in protein and fat to keep its bones strong and keep its energy levels up as well. Chihuahuas can turn out to be very picky eaters, so you may have to do some trial and error to find the right food that your Chihuahua may like. Do note that, since Chihuahuas do not do a lot of physical activity, they can gain weight if fed improperly.

Grooming requirements of the Deer Head Chihuahua

Grooming your Deer Head Chihuahua is very clear. Your chihuahua's care necessities will rely upon the length of its fur coat.

Run a delicate brush through your Deer Head Chihuahua's smooth coat at any rate once every week. You can spray a little water on the coat to keep away from split ends. Be that as it may, if your Chihuahua is a long-haired dog, you should brush its hair all the more frequently. To forestall tangles, brush your Chihuahua's jacket, at any rate, three times per week.

Moreover, you should wash your Chihuahua once every three to about a month to avoid any prompt skin issues for the Deer Head Chihuahua. You should also consider applying oral dental sprays about two times per day or giving your Deer Head Chihuahua dental bites as treats. This will forestall plaque and tartar development, which is highly unfavorable to their dental wellbeing.

Exercise requirement for a Dear head Chihuahua

This energetic, eccentric breed is easy to exercise with. A quick walk around the block coupled with some playing time inside is enough to them satisfied for the day. Often they will play by themselves, with other Chihuahuas or just things lying around your house. They will not mind you joining in on the fun though, so go ahead.

One important thing to keep in mind in mind is that Dear head Chihuahuas do not take to the cold well. If you live in a colder region then you should definitely buy a woolen scarf or coat for your Chihuahua. Also if the temperature in your area is below 35 degrees Fahrenheit, then walking outdoors should be avoided. In all, your Chihuahua needs about 1 walk a day with 30 minutes of exercise or running time.

Is this dog hypoallergenic?

The Deer HeadChihuahua is not a hypoallergenic dog. Most Chihuahuas shed fur all year long, with spring being the heaviest shedding season. Regular baths and a good brushing routine will help keep the shedding under control.

Possible health issues of the Deer Head Chihuahua

As previously mentioned, Deer Head Chihuahuas are sensitive to cold climates. Extensive exposure to cold temperatures, especially during winter, may lead to your dog catching a cold or even hypothermia. If you have a short-haired Deer Head Chihuahua, you will need to keep them warm during winter and fall.

Due to their small bones, they are also prone to patellar luxation, which is a condition where their joints can weaken. Affected Chihuahuas may be seen limping when walking up and down the stairs as it mainly affects their knees. Patellar luxation manifests in two conditions: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.

Another illness that you will have to watch out for is senile iris atrophy, which affects their eyes. As a Chihuahua gets older, the muscles in the iris deteriorate, causing sensitivity to light. In extreme cases, this may even lead to vision loss.

Due to their small mouths, which don’t give teeth a lot of room to grow, dental issues are quite common among Chihuahuas. Many Chihuahuas suffer from impacted teeth and enamel wear. This is why it is very important to regularly check and clean your Deer Head Chihuahua’s teeth as it grows. They are fragile because of their small size and therefore can more easily sustain injuries from jumping off your couch or playing with your bigger dogs.

Potential behavioral problems for the breed

Their strong personality may cause behavioral issues if Deer Head Chihuahuas are not correctly trained. They can also direct this intense energy to you. Chihuahuas can sometimes be sassy and feisty with their owners.

Issues with barking and biting may arise if the Deer Head Chihuahua’s energy is misdirected or when they do not get the physical and mental stimulation they need. Some Chihuahuas will continuously bark until they see their owners again.

Chihuahuas need regular exercise and socialization to correct these behavior issues. Many Chihuahuas suffer from isolation or separation anxiety, as well. Without proper training, like crate training, your Deer Head Chihuahua may develop irritating habits of damaging your furniture and other items in the house or digging through the trash bin when it is left on its own.

They are prone to Small dog Syndrome so they must be treated like dogs and not children. They do not get along with little children, other animals especially big dogs. They can become quite temperamental but with the right training, these behavioral problems can be resolved.

How much do these small dogs cost?

These little Deer Head Chihuahua puppies are not cheap at all. The cost of a Deer Head Chihuahua pup can be around $400 to $1,200, depending on the parentage, breed and region.

Where exactly to find Deer Head Chihuahuas for sale?

First, check with your local veterinarian if they know about any puppies for sale or if they are affiliated with any local Deer Head Chihuahua breeders or have contacts that could lead you to one. If you do not mind adopting an older dog, then you can also visit your local shelter. Chihuahua breeders are found in most states such as Michigan, Ohio, and Florida in the United States.

5 Tips if you have finally decided to own One

For those who own or want to own a Deer Head Chihuahua, we have several tips that you can use to help you in owning them. These tips include:

1. If your Chihuahua is a short-haired dog, be sure to invest in some sweaters and winter wear when the weather gets cold, as they are prone to being cold and shivering.

2. These dogs will have to go outside to use the bathroom more than other dogs since they are so small and have small bladders.

3. Chihuahuas can be very picky about their food, so be prepared to find the one that works through trials and stick with it.

4. Be sure to leave your dog around someone, they do not like to be left alone!

5. Socialize and introduce your dog as soon as possible to get them used to other dogs, pets and large groups of people.

Read more about chihuhuas


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