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Charlie and the Property Company

A dog and his dues

By Sydney Lee JonesPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Employee of the Month. Sept 2021

I have met a multitude of great dogs in my lifetime, and Charlie is no exception. I began working for Double B Properties back in 2019. At first, it was just your average desk job. Paperwork and typing. As office manager I had many roles to fill. Eventually, I had the opportunity to meet Charlie. He came to the office for the first time after the passing of his companion, Callie, and my boss couldn’t bear the thought of leaving him home alone each and every day. A lovable dog with spunk and sass, he began frequenting the office and there was no turning back. He is excellent at making anyone feel comfortable and at home. I look forward to my day at work knowing Charlie will be there waiting for me at the front door. Each time I honk the horn to lock my car, he comes to greet me. Every evening as I pack my bags, he licks me goodbye. Without him, my office and work life would be a completely different atmosphere. Many memories are filled with Charlie, riding along on my lap or climbing up on my desk. He is a laugh to have around and a sweet dog to spend your time with.

Charlie brightens up the dull monotony of work life. Taking him for a walk every day brings me exercise and sunshine. His excitement to pee on the same tree brings a newfound appreciation for things many people take for granted. I respect his outgoing nature and consistent love of tall grass to run through. His typical work day involves a hearty home mashed combination of kibble and soft food, followed by the world’s longest nap. He finds comfort in the multitude of chairs we have around the office, all perfectly placed for him to lay and soak up the sun. Following his morning snooze, we take a nice outdoor stroll where Charlie feels the wind in his hair and the grass on his paws. Once we make it back indoors, he carefully chooses his next place of rest to spend the afternoon drooling and snoring, until finally it is time to head home.

In the midst of this cycle, we began assigning employee of the month to boost morale around the workplace. It quickly caught on that, without a doubt, Charlie was the lead contender. His snaggle toothed grin and constant licking won over the hearts of all and he was voted employee of the month, now two years running. His face is spread across the wall, frame after frame. Each day, he dresses up in a new shirt, or sweater, depending on the weather, and usually strips down by noon. Every haircut or bath is a reason to celebrate, and each lick of the knee or ankle brings a smile to your face.

I am grateful to work in an environment that is accepting of animals. I am even more grateful to spend each day in the company of Charlie Burgard. After the passing of his best friend, we did everything we could to liven him up again, and he is finally his outgoing and spunky self. He kindly greets visitors of all sizes, as well as gives them a tour of the office space. He attends all meetings and is always there as an impartial judge on any disagreements. He is a companion, a protector, a cuddler, and a comfort to have. Whether it is an afternoon nap on the office couch, or a quick lunch break stroll, you are guaranteed to have Charlie there beside you as a friend, therapist, or simply a place to lay your hand. He truly does love his pets.


About the Creator

Sydney Lee Jones

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